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Abstinence: 节制,节欲          【字体:

Abstinence: 节制,节欲

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  美国总统布什的连任确保了美国政府一直推行的禁欲教育能够获得更多的国家援助。1996年,前总统克林顿曾在一项国会的社会福利改革法案上签字,拨款5亿美元推行禁欲教育,不支持避孕套教育。布什上台后进一步推行惟有禁欲(Abstinence only)教育,号召美国青少年在婚前节制性欲,减少性病传播和少女怀孕现象,布什政府每年向青少年禁欲计划拨出的教育宣传经费更
是高达1亿多美元。外电报道如下:President Bush's re-election insures that more federal money will flow to abstinence education that precludes discussion of birth control, even as the administration awaits evidence that the approach gets kids to refrain from sex.

  Congress last weekend included more than $131 million for abstinence programs in a $388 billion spending bill, an increase of $30 million but about $100 million less than Bush requested. Meanwhile, a national evaluation of abstinence programs has been delayed, with a final report not expected until 2006.

  Ten state evaluations, compiled by a group that opposes abstinence-only education, showed little change in teens' behavior since the start of abstinence programs in 1997.

  Abstinence表示“节制,节欲,戒酒,禁戒嗜好”,例如:Abstinence from alcoholic drinks is advisable.(戒饮烈性酒是有益的。)To many, total abstinence is easier than total moderation (Saint Augustine).“对许多人来说,完全适度比完全禁欲更难做到”(圣·奥古斯丁)。

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