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Tug-of-war: 拔河          【字体:

Tug-of-war: 拔河

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  围绕乌克兰总统选举产生的政治危机愈演愈烈,导致乌克兰国内局势继续动荡,各地不断爆发大规模游行示威活动。11月27日,乌克兰东部地区爆发了数万人参加的大游行,支持亚努科维奇当选总统。11月26日,黑海港口城市敖德萨也有3000多人举行了游行。并威胁说如果亚努科维奇不能成为总统,该地区就要宣布独立。外电报道如下:The crisis over Ukraine's disputed
presidential election intensified Sunday, as a key eastern province called a referendum on autonomy and the opposition demanded the current president fire his prime minister, the official winner of last week's vote that has bitterly divided this former Soviet republic.

  The opposition warned President Leonid Kuchma it would block his movements unless he fired Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych and fulfilled other demands within 24 hours.

  Earlier, Kuchma called on the opposition to end its four-day blockade of government buildings, saying compromise was the only solution to the crisis that has developed into a tense political tug-of-war between the West and Moscow over Ukraine's future.

  On Saturday, Ukraine's parliament declared the election invalid amid international calls for a new vote, and lawmakers also passed a vote of no confidence in the Central Elections Commission, which declared Moscow-backed Yanukovych the winner.

  Tug-of-war表示“拔河,两派间激烈的竞争”,例如:a political tug-of-war between those in favor of the new legislation and those against it(新立法拥护者和反对者之间的政治优势竞争)


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