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Crooner: 低吟歌手          【字体:

Crooner: 低吟歌手

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  美国R&B红人亚瑟小子刚刚在11月的全美音乐奖上满载而归,一举夺得四个奖项,包括最佳流行或摇滚男歌手、最佳灵魂或节奏蓝调男歌手,他的热卖专辑《Confessions》获得最佳流行或摇滚专辑和最佳灵魂或节奏蓝调专辑。对如此风光的他来说,第47届格莱美奖的提名自然不少不了。外电报道如下:With the year's top album and single, Usher doesn't have to worry a
bout getting left out when Grammy nominees are announced Tuesday. The question simply is how many nominations the R&B crooner will get.

  His megahit "Yeah!" is likely to receive record and song of the year nominations, and "Confessions," which has sold more than 7 million copies and spawned four hit singles, seems a lock for album of the year.

  But he's also likely to be nominated in the pop and R&B categories for his performances on songs such as "Confessions" and "Burn," and could get other nominations for his collaborations with Alicia Keys on "My Boo," his current big hit, and Ludacris and Lil Jon on "Yeah!"

  Crooner表示“低声吟唱感伤性流行歌曲的歌手”,因为croon表示“低吟,哼唱(感伤性流行歌曲或哄小儿入睡)”,例如:The mother crooned her baby to sleep.(母亲低声哼着哄婴儿入睡。)

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