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Pull off: 努力实现          【字体:

Pull off: 努力实现

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  12月13日,美国前总统克林顿在阿拉伯联合酋长国的迪拜举行的“阿拉伯战略论坛”会议开幕式上发表讲话,呼吁中东冲突各方继续朝着全面公正解决中东问题的方向努力,最终实现以色列获得安全和巴勒斯坦建国的目标。克林顿表示,美国应该在中东和平进程中发挥更积极的作用,并认为他的继任者布什在解决巴以冲突的问题上的成功率为50%。外电报道如下:Former US pr
esident Bill Clinton said he believed his successor George W. Bush would work more actively to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and gave him a "50-50" chance of success.

  "The United States should be more active in the search for Middle East peace. It think it (the Bush administration) will be," Clinton told the opening of a three-day Arab Strategy Forum.

  "I think there is a 50-50 chance of success," said Clinton, one of a host of world figures taking part in the gathering entitled "The Arab World in 2020" in Dubai, one of the seven members of the United Arab Emirates.

  Clinton, who almost pulled off a peace agreement at the presidential retreat of Camp David in July 2000, said he believed his failure largely explained Bush's reluctance to get involved during his first term in office.

  Pull off表示“努力实现,赢得,完成”,例如:He decided to pull off the plan in the new term.(他决定在新学期里努力完成这个计划。)

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