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Al Jazeera: 半岛电视台          【字体:

Al Jazeera: 半岛电视台

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

有趣的是,与基地组织关系紧密的半岛电视台竟然也挤进了前五,排在“宜家”和“星巴克”后面。据悉,。外电报道如下:In the survey of almost 2,000 ad executives, brand managers and academics by online magazine Brandchannel, Apple ousted search engine Google from last year's top spot, but the surprise to many will be Al Jazeera's entry into the top five.

  "With all the news from Iraq and Afghanistan and the 'war on terror', a lot of people are really tuned into the news, and the major news sources have a western bias," Brandchannel Editor Robin Rusch said. "I think people are tuning in to Al Jazeera and looking at its Web site because it does offer another viewpoint. For the global community, it's one of the few points of access we have to news from the region with a different perspective."

  The annual survey asks respondents to rate the impact of a particular brand on people's lives, and does not attempt to quantify its financial value.

  Al Jazeera是卡塔尔“半岛”电视台的英译名,意为“汪洋之中的自由之岛”,“半岛”实际上是新华社误译。素以报道大胆激进著称的半岛电视台成立于1996年,2001年成为世界上第一家播出阿富汗战争空袭画面的电视台,它在阿富汗首都喀布尔的办事处因此遭到美军“误炸”。在伊拉克遭美英联军空袭时,独家向全球播出本·拉登的讲话录像带。半岛的亲中东立场和对伊拉克战争的深入报道激起了英美等国的强烈不满。

  (中国日报网站编)实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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