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Mosque: 清真寺          【字体:

Mosque: 清真寺

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  2月16日,本月初被伊拉克武装分子劫持的意大利女记者朱利亚娜·斯格雷纳在意大利一家电视台播放的录像带上露面,呼吁意大利和外国驻伊军队撤出伊拉克,以挽救她的生命。外电报道如下:An Italian journalist kidnapped earlier this month in Baghdad appeared in a videotape aired on Italian TV Wednesday and urged her fellow citizens, government and her companion to do all they can to end the occupation of Iraq.

  The video was released just hours before Italy's Senate voted to extend the funding for the deployment of Italian troops in Iraq.

  With almost 3,000 troops, Italy has the fourth-largest troop contingent in Iraq behind the United States, Britain and South Korea.

  Giuliana Sgrena, who was abducted in front of a mosque on February 4, talked in Italian and in French, saying that action to end the occupation is the only way she can be freed.

例如:They go to the mosque to pray once a week.(他们每周一次到清真寺去祈祷。)

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