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Fish out of water: 如鱼离水          【字体:

Fish out of water: 如鱼离水

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  3月4日在北美地区上映的喜剧新片《超级奶爸》在短短一个周末内创造了超过三千万美元的票房奇迹,一跃成为全美最走红的影片,主演范·迪塞尔的搞笑表演也带给观众不少惊喜。外电报道如下:Vin Diesel's family-friendly comedy "The Pacifier" pulled in $30.2 million on its opening weekend to rank as the nation's top-grossing movie, turning his action-star image and box-office expectations upside down.

  Proving he's more than biceps and tattoos, Diesel's performance as a Navy SEAL turned baby sitter easily outdistanced the weekend's other major opening, "Be Cool" with John Travolta.

  "Be Cool," the sequel to the 1995 comedy "Get Shorty," took in $23.5 million for Travolta's largest weekend opening, according to studio estimates.

  "'Pacifier' did better than anyone expected, but you can't underestimate the family audience," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of Exhibitor Relations Co., which tracks box-office figures. "I think people like to see a fish-out-of-water story, an action star in a very unexpected role."

  Fish out of water是一个俚语,意为“如鱼离水、感到生疏”,喻指某人和他所处的环境不融恰,使他感到别扭或难堪。
例如:At the conference I was a fish out of water. All the speeches were in French, a language I never studied.(参加那个会议真叫我感到别扭。所有人发表讲话的时候都用法语,可是我从来也没有学过法文。)号称“肌肉美男”的范·迪塞尔是一个个性十足的动作明星,可在此片中他居然一改往日风格,“屈尊”出任超级奶爸,难免让观众们大跌眼镜,从“如鱼离水”的角度来欣赏他的另类表演。

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