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Mock: 模拟          【字体:

Mock: 模拟

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

4月4日,美国历史上规模最大的反恐演习拉开序幕。这次耗资1600万美元的演习为期五天,主要目的是检测与评估美国有关部门应对生化武器袭击的能力。外电报道如下:The biggest anti-terrorism drill ever held in the United States got under way Monday with a mock biological attack in New Jersey and a simulated chemical-weapons explosion in Connecticut.

  Named TOPOFF 3, the $16 million, weeklong exercise is meant to find weak spots in the nation's emergency planning.

  "I want to make it clear that we are going to push our plans and our systems to the very limit," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said. "So we expect failure because we're actually going to be seeking to push to failure, and that is, in our judgment, the best way to get a 'lessons learned' from what we do here."

  Although no real weapons or bio-agents are used, state and local officials responded as if it were the real thing, sending ambulances to hospitals and flooding the area with investigators and emergency workers in hazardous materials suits.

  Mock在此表示“模拟的,假的”,例如:a mock trial(模拟裁判);a mock battle(模拟的战斗);mocks(模拟考试)。
此外mock还有“嘲笑,嘲弄,骗,挫败”等含义,例如:He went to church only to mock.(他到教堂去只是为了嘲弄宗教。)They mocked at the idea.(他们嘲笑这个主意。)


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