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Call off: 取消,放弃          【字体:

Call off: 取消,放弃

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

4月16日,厄瓜多尔总统卢西奥·古铁雷斯签署法令,宣布解除15日在首都基多和皮钦查省实施的紧急状态。外电报道如下:Ecuador President Lucio Gutierrez called off a state of emergency in the capital Saturday as thousands defied his ban on demonstrations and demanded his resignation.

  Gutierrez rescinded the measure less than 24 hours after he imposed it in hopes of stifling a wave of peaceful street protests demanding his ouster.

  Speaking over national television, Gutierrez said he was annulling the decree, which suspended civil liberties, including the right to free expression and assembly, because he had "obtained the principal objective, which is the dismissal of the Supreme Court" after he dissolved that Friday.

  Residents of the capital had defied the state of emergency imposed late Friday night, taking to the streets by the thousands and honking horns across the city, demanding that Gutierrez quit.

  Call off表示“取消,放弃”,例如:The meeting has been called off.(会议取消了。


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