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Zoom in:通过调焦放大影像          【字体:

Zoom in:通过调焦放大影像

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

5月29日,阿富汗私营的图鲁电视台播放了被绑架的意大利救援人员克莱门蒂娜·坎托尼的录像。在电视画面中,面色苍白的克莱门蒂娜戴着深色的围巾,全身裹在深棕色的毯子里,旁边是两名蒙面的武装分子。外电报道如下:A video of a kidnapped Italian aid worker was broadcast Sunday on Afghan television, showing her wrapped in a brown blanket flanked by two men aiming rifles at her head - a tactic reminiscent of Iraqi abductions.

  Clementina Cantoni, 32, a worker for CARE International, responded to prompts from a man not shown on the video, identifying herself and naming her father, mother and an uncle.

  The tape, broadcast by independent Tolo TV, then zoomed in on her face. She had a blue scarf on her head, spoke quietly and looked nervous.

  It was not clear when the recording was made. But near the end of the tape, the man who was speaking off-camera asked Cantoni the date. "Today is May 28, Sunday," she said. The date referred to Saturday and the discrepancy could not be explained.

  Zoom in表示“通过调焦放大影像,摄影镜头迅速推向目标”,其反义词是zoom out(摄影镜头移离目标),例如:Film the whole building first, then zoom in on the door.(首先拍整个大楼,然后把镜头推向大门。

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