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Threshold: 上限,极限          【字体:

Threshold: 上限,极限

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

6月27日,经历了一周的迅猛上涨之后,纽约原油期货价格突破60美元大关。推动油价走高的因素仍然是市场对全球第四季度取暖油供应的担忧,此外市场对取暖油的炒作也推波助澜。外电报道如下:Oil prices settled at a record high above $60 a barrel on Monday, reflecting traders' concerns about strong demand and potential supply bottlenecks.

  With $60 no longer a threshold - and with continued concerns about refining capacities - prices appeared set to go even higher, analysts said.

  Oil broker Tom Bentz at BNP Paribas Commodity Futures in New York said Monday's rally was just a continuation of the larger uptrend that began in late May.

  Bentz said there is also a speculative component to the surge in oil prices, though he also believes that the world's limited excess production and refining capacity have played important roles in keeping traders on edge about potential supply disruptions.

  Threshold在此表示“上限,极限”,此外还有“门槛;起点;开端;最低限度”等含义,例如:The sound was so loud it was on the threshold of pain(声音大得开始使人无法忍受。
) a low threshold of pain(一碰就痛)。


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