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Head for: 动身,前往          【字体:

Head for: 动身,前往

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

一年一度的加勒比地区暴风季节已经到来。东加勒比海上刮起的强热带风暴“丹尼斯”正向海地西部和古巴东部方向移动。7月6日,古巴政府民防部门指示东部五省进入戒备状态。7月7日,“丹尼斯”卷起巨浪冲上加勒比海岸,沿海居民纷纷弃家而逃。目前风暴已在海地造成一人死亡。外电报道如下:Ten-foot waves crashed on shore and hundreds of islanders fled flooded homes Thursday as Hurricane Dennis lashed Caribbean coastlines with 115-mph winds. The first hurricane of the season claimed its first casualty in Haiti.

  Dennis threatened to intensify as it headed straight for Cuba. Forecasters at the U.S. Hurricane Center in Miami predicted the storm could hit the United States anywhere from Florida to Louisiana by Sunday or Monday, raising fears that oil production in the Gulf of Mexico would be disrupted by the fourth storm in as many weeks.

  Thunderstorms covered the Dominican Republic, southern Haiti and northeast Jamaica. The Cayman Islands and Cuba were under hurricane warnings, including the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay holding some 520 terror suspects.

  Head for表示“出发,动身,前往”,例如:After the play we all headed for the bar.(看完戏后我们全都去了酒吧。)


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