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飞机上On The Plane          【字体:

飞机上On The Plane

作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-18     


CHARLIE: Excuse me. Is anyone in that seat next to you?
ANGELA: No, I don't think so.
CHARLIE: Do you mind if I put my jacket there?
ANGELA: No. It's no problem.
ANGELA: Are you American?
CHARLIE: Yes. And you?
ANGELA: No. I'm from Taiwan. Can't you see?
CHARLIE: Well, there are many Chinese Americans, you know.
And your English is very good. You sound like an American.
ANGELA: I don't think so. You are flattering me.
CHARLIE: No, really. I can only hear a little accent.
ANGELA: Are you flying home?
CHARLIE: Well, yes. Actually, I'm going back to visit.
ANGELA: You were visiting Taiwan?
CHARLIE: No, I'm going back to America to visit.
I'm from America, but I don't live there now. I live in Taichung.
ANGELA: Really! You live in Taiwan!
CHARLIE: Yes. Why not?
ANGELA: May I ask what your job is in Taiwan?
CHARLIE: Sure. I teach history in a university. Have you heard of Dong-Hai University?
ANGELA: Of course. It's a good school. How long have you lived in Taichung?
CHARLIE: I have lived in Taichung for two years now.
So this is the second time I am going back to the States.
I go back once a year to visit my family.
ANGELA: It must be strange for you to live in Taiwan.
CHARLIE: No, it isn't strange at all.
Many people from Taiwan move to America too, you know.
Do you think it is strange for them?
ANGELA: No. Well, I don't know.
But Taiwan is so crowded. Don't you miss life in America?
CHARLIE: There are some things I miss. But I love Chinese food.
And I think the people in Taiwan are really hospitable.
Besides, I grew up in Los Angeles, so I'm used to living in crowded places.
Why are you going to America?
ANGELA: I'm going to New York to visit my sister. She is in art school.
I've never been to New York before. I'm kind of scared.
ANGELA: Well, I know a lot of people have guns there. I think maybe it isn't too safe.
CHARLIE: Don't worry about it.
Your sister lives there. She probably knows the places in town you shouldn't go.
It's true there are some dangerous places in big American cities.
But if your sister lives there, she must know the city pretty well already. 
ANGELA: Yes, I'm not really scared. Maybe only a little.
CHARLIE: Don't believe what you see on TV. You will have a good time in New York.
What things do you want to see?
ANGELA: I want to see the museums, and I want to shop a lot.
CHARLIE: The museums are excellent. And the shopping!
Well! I'm sure you'll spend a lot of money there.
ANGELA: Hmm. I hope not.

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