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Free - 5000 SAT Preparation Words - FreeVocabulary.Com

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-20     

or phrase is used in the United States.
amicable adj. Done in a friendly spirit.

amity n. Friendship.
amorous adj. Having a propensity for falling in love.
amorphous adj. Without determinate shape.
amour n. A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature.
ampere n. The practical unit of electric-current strength.
ampersand n. The character &; and.
amphibious adj. Living both on land and in water.
amphitheater n. An edifice of elliptical shape, constructed about a central open space or arena.
amplitude n. Largeness.
amply adv. Sufficiently.
amputate v. To remove by cutting, as a limb or some portion of the body.

amusement n. Diversion.
anachronism n. Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time.
anagram n. The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase.
analogous adj. Corresponding (to some other) in certain respects, as in form, proportion, relations.
analogy n. Reasoning in which from certain and known relations or resemblance others are formed.
analyst n. One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method.
analyze v. To examine minutely or critically.
anarchy n. Absence or utter disregard of government.
anathema n. Anything forbidden, as by social usage.
anatomy n. That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms.
ancestry n. One's ancestors collectively.

anecdote n. A brief account of some interesting event or incident.
anemia n. Deficiency of blood or red corpuscles.
anemic adj. Affected with anemia.
anemometer n. An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind.
anesthetic adj. Pertaining to or producing loss of sensation.
anew adv. Once more.
angelic adj. Saintly.
Anglophobia n. Hatred or dread of England or of what is English.
Anglo-Saxon n. The entire English race wherever found, as in Europe, the United States, or India.
angular adj. Sharp-cornered.
anhydrous adj. Withered.
animadversion n. The utterance of criticism or censure.
animadvert v. To pass criticism or censure.

animalcule n. An animal of microscopic smallness.
animate v. To make alive.
animosity n. Hatred.
annalist n. Historian.
annals n. A record of events in their chronological order, year by year.
annex v. To add or affix at the end.
annihilate v. To destroy absolutely.
annotate v. To make explanatory or critical notes on or upon.
annual adj. Occurring every year.
annuity n. An annual allowance, payment, or income.
annunciation n. Proclamation.
anode n. The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or the like.
anonymous adj. Of unknown authorship.
antagonism n. Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, or persons.
Antarctic adj. Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it.

ante v. In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt.
antecede v. To precede.
antecedent n. One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order, or causality.
antechamber n. A waiting room for those who seek audience.
antedate v. To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one.
antediluvian adj. Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah.
antemeridian adj. Before noon.
antemundane adj. Pertaining to time before the world's creation.
antenatal adj. Occurring or existing before birth.
anterior adj. Prior.
anteroom n. A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger.
anthology n. A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors.
anthracite n. Hard coal.

anthropology n. The science of man in general.
anthropomorphous adj. Having or resembling human form.
antic n. A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action.
Antichrist n. Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power.
anticlimax n. A gradual or sudden decrease in the importance or impressiveness of what is said.
anticyclone n. An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward.
antidote n. Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like.
antilogy n. Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas.
antipathize v. To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike.
antiphon n. A response or alteration of responses, generally musical.
antiphony n. An anthem or other composition sung responsively.

antipodes n. A place or region on the opposite side of the earth.
antiquary n. One who collects and examines old things, as coins, books, medals, weapons, etc.
antiquate v. To make old or out of date.
antique adj. Pertaining to ancient times.
antiseptic n. Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive micro-

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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