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实用:FengShuiYourHomefortheHolidays          【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-18     



  The holidays are the time of year you can temporarily add all kinds of chi-enhancing items to your home. Start by introducing yourself to the bagua (the feng shui road map) (八卦)so you know where all of the key places in your home are.

  Next, decide what your priorities(最想得到的)are. For instance, do you want to have a harmonious family gathering this year? Add wood, such as a wreath(花环) or a Christmas tree, to the "family" area -- the left, center of your home or room.

  Do you want to improve your health or someone's health in your family? Add fire or sparkling objects(发光的物体), such as stars, twinkling lights(闪烁的星星) or ornaments(装饰品)to the "heath" area -- the center of your home or room. Or are you interested in getting more help from people around you? Add angels(天使)to the "helpful people" area -- the left, front area of your home or room.

  Here are nine different ways you can make a difference in your life -- just by adding your favorite holiday decorations. Just decide which area (or two!) needs the most help:

  ●Need to enhance your career? Add items that represent water to the front, center area of your home, such as: Snowmen, Snowflakes(雪片).

  ●Want to bring your family closer together? Add items that represent wood to the left, center area of your home, such as: Christmas tree, Hanukkah bush(犹太光亮节的饰品), Inherited decorations(祖传的饰品), Holly(圣诞节装饰用的冬青枝).

  ●Want people to think highly of you? Add items that represent fire to the back, center area of your home, such as: Reindeer(驯鹿), Candles(蜡烛), Stars, Lights, Menorah(七灯或九灯的烛台), Poinsettias(猩猩木、圣诞节装饰用), Holly.

  ●Want to improve your health? Add items that represent earth to the center area of your home, such as:A fresh centerpiece(放在餐桌中央的饰物)with real earth, Poinsettias, Fresh bowl of fruit or fruit basket(果蓝).

  ●Want to get your creative juices flowing(焕发活力), or having problems with children (conceiving, or with children you already have)? Add items that represent metal to the center, right area of your home, such as: Ornaments, Games, Dreidel, Instruments, Train set, Bowls of ornaments, Dolls(洋娃娃), Carolers(唱圣歌的人), Sleds(雪撬).

  ●Want to increase your wealth? Add items that represent money to the back, left area of your home, such as:Gifts (especially the ones you receive), Chocolate Hanukkah gilt (money)(镀金的).

  ●Need more help in your life from the people around you? Add items that represent people helping you to the front, right area of your home, such as:Santa, Angles, Gifts (especially the ones you are giving).

  ●Looking to increase your wisdom? Add items that represent skills or knowledge to the front, left area of your home, such as: Wise Men of the Nativity set(圣徒先知), Religious figures(宗教偶像).

●Want to improve your romantic relationships? Add items that represent love or sweetness to the back, left area of your home, such as:Chocolates and other sweets!

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