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英语学习游戏(English Learning Games)         ★★★ 【字体:

英语学习游戏(English Learning Games)

作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2006-6-23     

Materials: Writing surface or blank word cards

Aim: to practice sentence building

Procedure: The teacher writes a short, simple sentence on the board. One by one, the students give the teacher one word and indicate where it fits into the sentence. It is then added and the next student takes a turn.

Variation: Students may be allowed to add two or three words.  Students may be allowed to replace a word with two words.  The board can become crowded. To avoid this, words can be written on cards and the sentence constructed from the word cards.

 IV. Games about Numbers

1. Scratch my Back

Aim: to help students recognize and say numbers

Procedure: The students stand or sit in two lines and the representative of each group faces the board. The teacher "scratches" a number on the back of the last student at the back of each row. The student does the same to the next person up the row. The person in front writes the number on the board while saying it aloud. If the numbers agree, the team receives a point.

 2. Circle the Number Relay

Aim: to practice numbers

Procedure: Various numbers are written clearly and firmly on the board. If all students are confident using numbers 1-20, select others. They should be written at the height the learners can reach. There are two teams and one member from each team stands at the board, colored chalk in hand (each team has a different color). The teacher, or designated student, calls the numbers. The first student of the pair to put a ring round the correct number scores a point for her/his team. Then, replace the 2 representatives and do it again. Instead of numbers, you can use clock times, dates, pictures, telephone numbers, etc. You can also make this a relay game: when the number is called, the first in each team rushes to the board and circles the number, then hands the chalk to the second person and another number is called.

3. Buzz

Aim: to practise numbers

Procedure: Students sit in a circle and count in turn 1, 2, 3, 4 but are not allowed to say any number that contains a 5 o r a multiple of 5. Instead, they must say "Buzz." If they make a mistake or hesitate too long, they are eliminated. After elimination, the following student starts again at 1. This is the easy version; it is more fun using multiples of three and making the students change direction every so often.

 Thanks to my American friend Jeanne who gave the revision of the English text.

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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