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英语学习游戏(English Learning Games)         ★★★ 【字体:

英语学习游戏(English Learning Games)

作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2006-6-23     

Variation: Assign students one vocabulary item. Have the first student pronounce her/his item and the item of the student to whom the ball is thrown.

 10. Blind Olympics

Aim: to reinforce direction

Preparation: rearrange the class into an open space. Make two (or more) teams and in each team blindfold one person. Assign a scorekeeper/judge for each team. The students sit at the back of the classroom after creating an obstacle course from desk and chairs. Then the students from each group have to give directions to their candidate to reach the finish line at the end of the room. Each time their competitor touches an item in the room, they loose a point. If they touch the other competitor, they loose two points (or any combination you like). This is a very noisy game, but students love it. It is very useful in reinforcing directions. (It is ideal for a big class to split them into 4 teams and start at opposite ends of the classroom.)

11. Hide and Find

Aim: to practice directions

Preparation: paper cups and something to blindfold half the students

Procedure: Number 12 paper cups on the bottom from 1 to 12, depending on the number of students. Divide the students into two teams. For larger classes, you could make three teams or more. Students on each team are paired. One student is blindfolded (蒙上眼)and the other student becomes the guide. Hide the cups all over the room but they should not be under anything. Assign team one cups 1-6 to find and team 2 cups 7-12. Guides cannot touch or lead their partners by the hand. They can only give them directions such as turn right, turn left, go straight, etc. They cannot use their native language, only English, to explain the cup's location. When they have found a cup, they must return it to the place that has been chosen by the teacher. I have them stack each cup on top of the cup they have just found. They remain blindfolded until they have completed finding and returning the cup to the proper place. Their partners must give them directions on where to put the cup that has been found. As soon as a cup has been found and returned by one pair of students, the next pair goes, etc. The cups must be found and returned in order. The first team to find and return all the cups is the winner.

12. Magic Bag

Aim: to have students ask questions and answer them correctly

Preparation: Bring an empty bag.

Procedure: Before the game, collect items from the students' desks or bags and put them in your bag without them seeing what you have taken. Then they have to ask you, "Do you have a...?" If the guess is correct, her/his team gets a point. After you put all the items on the table, one team asks the other, "Is this your ...?"  For every correct response, add a point to the team's score.

 13. Have You Seen My Sheep

Aim: to encourage careful description and listening about dress

Procedure: A circle is formed with one player called IT outside the circle. He/She moves around the outside of the circle and taps someone on the shoulder asking, "Have you seen my sheep (or dog, cat, goat...)?"   The Student responds: "Yes I have seen it."       IT asks, "What's it wearing?" or "How is it dressed?"   The student must describe someone in the circle e.g. green shirt, brown shoes, long hair. On recognizing that she/he is being described, the student must run round the outside of the circle away from IT. If caught before getting back to his/her place, s/he takes the place of IT.

14. Pictionary

Aim: to encourage the students to express themselves

Level: Great for all grades

Procedure: Divide the class into teams, then have one student go to the board and draw a picture, e.g. animals, people, actions, places or even feelings.  Be creative! Have the rest of the class guess what is being drawn. The team that guesses right gets a point.  Have the drawer choose who will draw the next picture and have prizes, i.e. candy, pennies and nickels, or anything else your students may like, for the winning team.

15. Total Physical Response

Aim: to practise listening and response

Procedure: Ask one student to read while the others follow the action. You could do this in groups.  Examples: Touch your ear. Slap your elbow.

 16. Riddles

Aim: to encourage students to speak

Procedure: In riddle format, describe something and allow students to guess.  Example: "I am cold and wet. I am full of bubbles. You drink me when you're hot." (Answer: soda pop)

17. Problem Solution

Aim: to encourage students to think logically

Procedure: One person describes a problem and asks a group of students to indicate how to solve it. Example: You are in an elevator. It stops between floors & you cannot get the door open. - Discuss what to do. What happens?

18. Pancho Carrancho

Aim: Review

Procedure: Assign the name of a food to every student and write the names on the board. The teacher is also assigned a food, let us say 'turkey.' Have the students say in a loud voice what they are. The teacher starts the game by saying, "Pancho Carrancho doesn't eat turkey, he eats rice." The student who is rice has a few seconds to react. Her response should be, "No, Pancho Carrancho doesn't eat rice, he eats spaghetti."

19. Adverts

Aim: to develop fluency in using descriptive language

Preparation: collect newspapers and magazines (ideally in English)


1. Put the learners in groups.

2. The group discusses the following questions written on the board: a. What product/service is each advert trying to sell? b. How does it try to do this (colours, images, etc) c. Who is the audience for the advert? d. Would you buy this product?

3. Each group does a mini-presentation explaining one of their adverts.

  Games for Structures

1. Add A Word

Level: upper beginner to intermediate

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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