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作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-18     

Ways to Spice up Your School Uniform

本文难点在于有关服饰的单词,可如果你关注时尚,这些词汇则必不可少。不关心也没关系,其它词汇也非常实用,如“时髦”就有stylish, hip, funky, snazzy等不同的表达。

  So it sucks1 to wear the same outfit(套装) to school every day, but it sure beats being late for class every morning because you can't decide what to wear! Then again, school uniforms can be pretty blah2, right? So find out how to make a school uniform go from conservative to stand-out3 stylish!
Rolled and Relaxed
  You may think there's nothing cool about a blouse(女式衬衣)or button-down4 shirt, but there are ways to make them hip5. Wear a tank top(背心), T-shirt or long-sleeve tee(长袖T恤)in a contrasting color6 underneath your collared shirt. To avoid the stuffy7 look, roll up the sleeves and unbutton a couple of buttons for a relaxed and casual style.
Make It Short
  Uniform skirts tend to be knee-length or longer, but if your school is a little relaxed about skirt lengths, then try folding down the waistband(腰带) of your skirt a couple of times. Just don't go overboard and roll up your skirt into a super mini!
Show Off
  Brighten your blah school uniform with accessories! Pile on wooden bracelets(手镯), gold bangles(手镯、脚镯), or silver cuffs(护腕)—but don't stop there. Necklaces, earrings, rings, watches and even hair accessories are an awesome way to stand out in a sea of uniforms. Backpacks are another great way to express your personal style. So stick on a funny sticker8, attach funky9 pins and clips, or simply write on them!
It's a Cinch
  Cinch10 a belt over your blouse. Leave the studded11, oversized belts for the weekends, and choose a simpler one. If a necktie is part of your school uniform, then unlace12 it as soon as the bell rings and tie it around your waist for a snazzy13 alternative.
Knock Your White Socks Off
  Throw away those boring white socks! Instead, glam up14 your legs with socks in bright, eye-catching colors and pretty, patterned tights(裤袜).
The Bottom Line
  When it comes to school uniform policies, every school is different. Some are relaxed about stuff like untucked shirts, while others have rules set in stone and won't let you get away with anything. So before you brighten up your uniform, make sure your school allows it first. And if they have strict rules about the dress code, just wait until class is over to jazz it up.实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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