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政制及选举事务用词          【字体:


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123 Democratic Alliance [123DA] 一二三民主联盟

abolition of a seat 取消议席

abolition of an appointed seat 取消委任议席

absentee voting 缺席投票

absolute majority 绝对多数

absolute majority of votes 绝对多数票

absolute system 绝对票数制

abstain from voting 放弃投票;放弃表决

abstention vote 弃权票

abuse of power 滥用权力

acceptance objected to 反对此选票获接纳;选票获接纳遭反对

acceptance of office as a member 接受议员席位

accountable office rental allowance 实报实销的办事处租金津贴

accountable to... 对……负责

accountancy functional constituency 会计界功能界别

accountancy subsector 会计界界别分组

across-the-board support 广泛支持

act of state 国家行为

ad hoc group 项目小组

Ad Hoc Sub-Group on Population Forecasts 人口预测专责小组

ad hoc tribunal 专责审裁处

adaptation of laws 法律适应化;改编法律

adjourn 休会;散会

adjournment 休会待续〔临时立法会〕

adjournment debate 休会辩论

adjournment of a count 押后点票

adjournment of debate 辩论中止待续

adjournment of poll 押后投票

adjournment of the counting of votes 押后点票

Administrative Appeals Board 行政上诉委员会

administrative boundary 行政分界

administrative district 行政区

administrative district boundary 行政区分界

administrative guidelines 行政指引

administrative review [China] 行政复议〔中国〕

administrative system 行政制度

"Administrator, Department of Justice [formerly known as Chambers Manager]" 律政司政务总监〔前称律政署政务总监〕

admiralty jurisdiction 海事裁判权

adult 成人;成年人

Advance Return of Donations 接受捐赠预先申报书

Advance Return of Donations by a Geographical Constituency List of Candidates 地方选区候选人名单接受捐赠预先申报书

advancement of the poll 提前投票

adversarial politics 对立形式的政治制度;反对派系政治

Advice of Notice of Objection 反对登记通知书

advisory capacity 顾问身分

advisory committee 咨询委员会

advisory role 咨询功能;咨询角色

affirmation 确认

affirmative vote 赞成票

age group 年龄组别

age of candidature 参选年龄

age of eligibility for candidature 合资格参选年龄

age of entitlement to vote 有权投票年龄;选民年龄

age of full capacity 能完全自决的年龄

age of majority 成年岁数

age qualification 年龄规定

agency voter 机构选民

agenda 议程

agent identity card 代理人身分证明名牌

agent of a candidate 候选人的代理人

agent of the Government 政府的代理人

aggregate preference votes 累积选票

aggregate votes 总票数

agreed minute 会议纪要

agreement and understanding 协议和谅解

Agreement between the British and Chinese sides on the Question of the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong 《中英双方关于香港终审法院问题的协议》

"""agreement to disagree"" formula" “同意保留分歧意见”的方式

agriculture and fisheries functional constituency 渔农界功能界别

agriculture and fisheries subsector 渔农界界别分组

alien 外籍人士

allegiance 效忠

amendment 修正案〔临时立法会〕;修订

amendment order 修订令

annual vetting exercise [voter register] 一年一度的审核工作〔选民登记册〕

anonymous donation 不记名捐款

Appeal Committee 上诉委员会

appellate court 上诉法院

Application for Polling and Counting Staff 投票站及点票站工作人员职位申请书

Application for Registration in a Functional Constituency 功能组别登记册登记申请书

Application for Registration in the General Electoral Roll 选民总名册登记申请书

Application for Voter Registration (Geographical Constituencies) 地方选区选民登记申请表

appointed ad personam 以个人身分获委任

appointed member 委任议员

appointed seat 委任议席

appointee 获委任的人

appointment process 委任程序

appointment system 委任制度

Appropriation Bill 拨款法案

appropriation of public funds 拨用公帑

approved programme [vote counting] 认可程序〔点票〕

April 5th Action Group 四五行动

"architectural, surveying and planning functional constituency" 建筑、测量及都市规划界功能界别

"architectural, surveying and planning subsector" 建造、测量及都市规划界界别分组

area code 地区代号实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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