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香港选举相关英语词汇(1)          【字体:


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“绑结式”海报 "tie-on" poster
“得票最多者当选”投票制 "first post the post" voting system
“港人治港,高度自治” "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy"
“类似部长制”制度 "quasi-ministerial" system
“免费午餐”政策 "free lunch" policy
“民主开放”原则 principles of "democracy and openness"
“黏贴式”海报 "stick-on" poster
“平等时间”原则〔竞选广播〕 “equal time” principle [election broadcasting]
“双议席双票”制 "double-seat double-vote" system
“同意保留分歧意见”的方式 "agreement to disagree" formula
“延续”安排〔临时选民登记册〕 roll-over arrangement [provisional register]
“一国两制” "One Country, Two Systems"
《1994年选区(地区)宣布令》 Declaration of Constituencies (Districts) Order 1994
《1997年选举开支最高限额(立法会)令》〔根据第288章订立〕 Maximum Scale of Election Expenses (Legislative Council) Order 1997 [made under Cap. 288]
《1997年选区(立法会)宣布令》〔根据1997年第134号订立〕 Declaration of Constituencies (Legislative Council) Order 1997 [made under 134 of 1997]
《1997年在指定团体之间分配的委员数目(选举委员会)(立法会)令》〔根据1997年第134号订立〕 Distribution of Number of Members Among Designated Bodies (Election Committee) (Legislative Council) Order 1997 [made under 134 of 1997]
《承认和执行外国仲裁裁决纽约公约》〔一九五八年〕 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards [1958]
《代议政制白皮书-代议政制在香港的进一步发展》〔一九八四年〕 White Paper on The Further Development of Representative Government in Hong Kong [1984]
《代议政制今后的发展白皮书》〔一九八八年〕 White Paper on The Development of Representative Government: The Way Forward [1988]
《代议政制绿皮书──代议政制在香港的进一步发展》〔一九八四年〕 Green Paper: The Further Development of Representative Government in Hong Kong [1984]
《儿童权利公约》〔联合国〕 Convention of the Rights of the Child [United Nations]
《高等法院规则》 Rules of the High Court, the
《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
《关于香港新机场建设及有关问题的谅解备忘录》 Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Construction of the New Airport in Hong Kong and Related Questions
《关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书的海牙公约》〔一九六五年〕 Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra-judicial documents in Civil and Commercial Matters [1965]
《关于中华人民共和国国都、纪年、国歌、国旗的决议》 Resolution on the Capital, Calendar, National Anthem and National Flag of the People's Republic of China
《关于中华人民共和国国庆节的决议》 Resolution on the National Day of the People's Republic of China
《官方机密条例》〔1997年第62号〕 Official Secrets Ordinance [62 of 1997]
《国际人权公约》 International Covenant on Human Rights
《国旗及国徽条例》〔1997年第116号〕 National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance [116 of 1997]
《互委会规则模板》 Model Rules for Mutual Aid Committees
《互助委员会参与助选活动事宜指引》 Guidelines for Mutual Aid Committees
《禁止酷刑和其它残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》〔联合国〕 Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [United Nations]
《经济、社会与文化权利的国际公约》 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
《立法会(提名所需的选举按金及签署人)规例》〔1997年第134章〕 Legislative Council (Subscribers and Election Deposit for Nomination) Regulation [134 of 1997]
《立法会(选举呈请)规例》〔1997年第134号〕 Legislative Council (Election Petition) Rules [134 of 1997]
《立法会(选民登记)(上诉)规例》〔1997年第134号〕 Legislative Council (Registration of Electors) (Appeals) Regulation [134 of 1997]
《立法会条例》〔1997年第134号〕 Legislative Council Ordinance [134 of 1997]
《立法会行政管理委员会条例》〔第443章〕 Legislative Council Commission Ordinance [Cap. 443]
《临时区议会条例》〔第366章〕 Provisional District Boards Ordinance [Cap. 366]
《临时区域市政局条例》〔第385章〕 Provisional Regional Council Ordinance [Cap. 385]
《临时市政局条例》〔第101章〕 Provisional Urban Council Ordinance [Cap. 101]
《绿皮书:一九八七年代议政制发展检讨》 Green Paper: The 1987 Review of Developments in Representative Government
《男女平等机会绿皮书》〔一九九三年〕 Green Paper on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men [1993]
《欧洲保障人权与基本自由公约》 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
《欧洲人权公约》 European Convention on Human Rights [Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms]
《区旗及区徽条例》〔1997年第117号〕 Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance [117 of 1997]
《全国人民代表大会关于设立香港特别行政区的决定》 Decision of the National People's Congress on the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
《全国人民代表大会关于香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会产生办法的决定》 Decision of the National People's Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
《全国人民代表大会关于中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法的决定》 Decision of the National People's Congress on the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
《维护廉洁选举》〔廉政公署〕 Support Clean Elections [ICAC]
《舞弊及非法行为条例》〔第288章〕 Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinances [Cap. 288]
《香港代议政制》〔白皮书;一九九四年〕 Representative Government in Hong Kong [white paper, 1994]
《香港地方行政白皮书》〔一九八一年〕 White Paper on District Administration in Hong Kong [1981]
《香港地方行政的模式绿皮书》〔一九八零年〕 Green Paper on A Pattern of District Administration in Hong Kong [1980]
《香港回归条例》〔1997年第110号〕 Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance [110 of 1997]
《香港人权法案条例》〔第383章〕 Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance [Cap. 383]
《香港特别行政区基本法起草委员会关于设立全国人民代表大会常务委员会香港特别行政区基本法委员会的建议》 Proposal by the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR on the Establishment of the Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR Under the Standing Committee of the NPC
《香港特别行政区立法会的产生办法和表决程序》〔《基本法》附件二〕 Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Its Voting Procedures [Annex II of Basic Law]
《香港特别行政区临时立法会议事规则》〔前称《香港立法局会议常规》〕 Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [formerly known as Standing Orders of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong]
《香港特别行政区行政长官的产生办法》〔《基本法》附件一〕 Method for Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [Annex I of Basic Law]
《香港议事录》 Hansard
《香港终审法院规例》〔第484章〕 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Rules [Cap. 484]
《香港终审法院条例》〔第484章〕 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance [Cap. 484]
《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW]
《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
《刑事事宜相互法律协助条例草案》 Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters Bill
《选举管理委员会(登记)(功能界别选民)(界别分组投票人)(选举委员会委员)(立法会)规例》〔1997年第129条〕 Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration) (Electors for Functional Constituencies) (Voters for Subsectors) (Members of Election Committee) (Legislative Council) Regulation [129 of 1997]
《选举管理委员会(提名顾问委员会)规例》〔1997年第129号〕 Electoral Affairs Commission (Nominations Advisory Committees) Regulation [129 of 1997]
《选举管理委员会(选举程序)(立法会)规例》〔1997年第129条〕 Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Legislative Council) Regulation [129 of 1997]
《选举管理委员会(选民登记)(地方选举)(立法会)规例》〔1997年第129号〕 Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration of Electors) (Geographical Constituencies) (Legislative Council) Regulation [129 of 1997]
《选举管理委员会条例》〔1997年第129号〕 Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance [129 of 1997]
《选举特刊》 Election Special
《选区分界及选举事务委员会条例》〔第432章〕 Boundary and Election Commission Ordinance [Cap. 432]
《一九九八年立法会选举活动指引》 Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the 1998 Legislative Council Elections
《一九九八年香港特别行政区第一届立法会选举安排重点》 First Legislative Council Election of the HKSAR in 1998: Brief Note on Electoral Arrangements
《义勇军进行曲》 March of the Volunteers
《在香港特别行政区实施的全国性法律》〔《基本法》附件三〕 National Laws to be Applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [Annex III of Basic Law]
《中华人民共和国国徽法》 Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Emblem
《中华人民共和国国旗法》 Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Flag
《中华人民共和国领海和毗连区法》 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone
《中华人民共和国领事特权与豁免条例》 Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities
《中华人民共和国外交特权与豁免条例》 Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities
《中华人民共和国宪法》 Constitution of the People's Republic of China
《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》〔《基本法》〕 Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China [Basic Law]
《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》 Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
《中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明》 Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea
《中华人民共和国政府和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府关于香港问题的联合声明》〔中英联合声明〕 Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong [Sino-British Joint Declaration]
《中英双方关于香港终审法院问题的协议》 Agreement between the British and Chinese sides on the Question of the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong
按地区划分的选举 geographically based election
按地区划分的选区 district-based constituency
按地区推举代表的制度 system of geographical representation
按金;保证金 deposit
按选择次序合计选票的投票制度 preferential addition voting system
按选择次序及重新分配选票票值合计选票的制度 preferential and reallocation of preferences system
按选择次序淘汰点票制 preferential elimination system of counting
按选择次序淘汰投票制 preferential elimination system of voting
按选择次序投票方法 preferential voting method
把投票年龄降低 lower the voting age
罢免;撤除 dismissal
白皮书 white paper
白纸条例草案 white bill
办事方式 modus operandi
半按比例投票制 semi-proportional voting system
半官方机构 semi-official mission
保安事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Security [Provisional Legislative Council]
保管及掌管 custody and control
保留条文 saving provision
保密规则 rule of confidentiality
保密声明书 Declaration of Secrecy
保险界功能界别 insurance functional constituency
保险业界界别分组 insurance subsector
报告责任 reporting obligation
背景资料 background information
被选权 right to be voted
比例代表名单投票制 list system of proportional representation
比例代表投票制 proportional representation voting system
比例代表制;比例代议制 proportional representation
比例代表制;比例代议制 system of proportional representation
闭门会谈 closed-door discussion
闭门会议 private session
闭幕词〔全国人民代表大会〕 closing speech [National People's Congress]
臂章 armband
边境联络会议 cross-border liaison meeting
弁言〔法案〕;序言;绪言 preamble
辩论规则〔临时立法会〕 Rules of Debate [Provisional Legislative Council]
辩论中止待续 adjournment of debate
标语牌 placard
标准人口基数〔选举〕 population quota [election]
表决;投票 voting
表决;投票;选票 vote
表决钟声 division bell
拨款法案 Appropriation Bill
拨用公帑 appropriation of public funds
驳回;宣布无效 overrule
驳回权 power of disallowance
补充名单 supplementary list
补充问题 supplementary question
补选 by-election
补选公告 by-election notice
不否决或不提出修订的议决程序 negative vetting
不干预政策 non-interventionist policy
不获接纳 rejected
不获接纳的选票 rejected ballot paper
不记名捐款 anonymous donation
不记名投票 secret ballot
不可转移单票制 single non-transferable vote system
不识字的选民 illiterate voter
不衔接 divergence
不信任票 vote of non-confidence
不正当的影响〔投票〕 undue influence [voting]
部长制 ministerial system
财经事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Financial Affairs [Provisional Legislative Council]
财务安排 financing arrangement
财务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Finance Committee [Provisional Legislative Council]
财务委员会特别会议 Special Finance Committee Meeting
财政储备 fiscal reserves
财政条文 financial provision
财政预算案辩论 budget debate
财政责任 financial accountability
财政政策 fiscal policy
财政自主权;财政自主;财政独立 financial autonomy
裁判法院 magistracy
采用承诺形式的宣誓 promissory oath
参考代号 code reference number
参选年龄 age of candidature
参照性法例 referential legislation
操纵选票 manipulation of votes
操纵选票 vote rigging
草拟法例;法例草案 draft legislation
草拟人员 draftsman
草签 initial
策划委员会 planning committee
查阅选票 inspection of ballot paper
常任裁判官 permanent magistrate
常任法官 permanent judge
常设委员会 standing committee
撤回呈请书;撤回质询书 withdraw a petition
撤回提名 withdraw a nomination
撤销委任代理人通知书 Notice of Revocation of Appointment of Agent
撤销委任通知 notice of withdrawal of appointment
撤销选举 countermanding of an election
成分均衡 balanced composition
成年 full age
成年岁数 age of majority
成人;成年人 adult
成文法则 enactment
成文宪法 written constitution
成员〔选举管理委员会,行政会议〕;委员〔选举委员会〕;议员 member
成员资格 membership qualification
呈请;呈请书;质询书;请愿书 petition
呈请人;质询人;请愿人 petitioner
呈请书的答辩人;质询书的答辩人 respondent to a petition
程序上的不公平 procedural injustice
持续承担 on-going commitment
酬金 honorarium
初步报告 preliminary report
初步问题 initial question
初步甄选 initial screening
传单 handbill
传阅文件 circulation paper
从政人士;政治家;政客 politician
村代表 village representative
存根〔选票〕 counterfoil [ballot paper]
答问资料;补充答问;备用答问资料 defensive question and answer
大多数票制 majority system
大选举团 grand electoral college
大紫荆勋章 Grand Bauhinia Medal [GBM]
代表安排 representational arrangement
代表机构 representative body
代表团体 representative organization
代表议员〔出任临时市政局或临时区域市政局议员的临时区议会代表〕 representative member [representative of Provisional District Board serving on the Provisional Urban Council or Provisional Regional Council]
代表资格审查委员会〔全国人大常务委员会〕 Deputies Credentials Committee [Standing Committee of the National People's Congress]
代候选人招致选举开支的人的授权通知书 Notice of Authorization of Persons to Incur Election Expenses on Behalf of Candidates
代理人身分证明名牌 agent identity card
代理主席〔临时立法会〕 President's deputy [Provisional Legislative Council]
代议机会不足 under-representation
代议机制;代议政制机构 representative institution
代议民主 representative democracy
代议政制 system of representative government
代议政制;代议制政府 representative government
代议政制三层议会 three tiers of representative government
代议制度 system of representation
单票 single vote
单人候选人名单 single candidate list
单人获提名人名单 single nominee list
单一选区 single constituency
单议席单票制 "single seat, single vote" system
单议席地方选区 single-seat geographical constituency
单议席功能界别 single-member functional constituency
单议席选区;单议席选举组别 single-member constituency
单议席选区;单议席选举组别 single-seat constituency
单议院制 unicameral
弹劾 impeachment
弹劾案 motion of impeachment
淡化 water down
当地人士 local populace
当然委员 ex-officio member
当选者 elected, the
当选者 successful candidate
当选者 winning candidate
党干事;“党鞭” party whip
党派;小组 party
道义责任 moral obligation
登记程序 registration procedure
登记选民 registered elector
登记选民总数 registered electorate
登记主任 Registration Officer
登记住址 registered residential address
等额投票制 single candidate voting system
地产及建造界功能界别 real estate and construction functional constituency
地产及建造界界别分组 real estate and construction subsector
地方层面 local level
地方分权化 decentralization
地方联系 local tie
地方委员会〔中国人民政治协商会议〕 Local Committee [Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference]
地方小区的特色 local community identities
地方行政 district administration
地方行政计划 District Administration Scheme
地方行政架构 local administrative structure
地方选区 geographical constituency
地方选区点票站 geographical constituency counting zone
地方选区分界 geographical constituency boundary
地方选区候选人名单接受捐赠预先申报书 Advance Return of Donations by a Geographical Constituency List of Candidates
地方选区名单选举候选人开支及接受选举捐赠之申报书及声明书 Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Donations by a Geographical Constituency List of Candidates
地方选区投票站 geographical constituency polling station
地方选区选举 geographical constituency election
地方选区选举候选人名单内的候选人已招致的选举开支和互相授权之申报书及声明书 Return and Declaration of Election Expenses Already Incurred and Cross-authorization of Candidates on a List of Candidates in a Geographical Constituency Election
地方选区选民 geographical constituency elector
地方选区选民登记申请表 Application for Voter Registration (Geographical Constituencies)
地方选区选票 geographical constituency ballot paper
地方选区议席 geographical constituency seat
地方选区正式选民登记册 geographical constituencies final register
地区层面 district level
地区代表制的成分 geographical representation element
地区代号 area code
地区点票中心 district counting centre
地区管理委员会 District Management Committee
地区级国会 regional congress
地区委员会 District Committee
地区选举;分区选举 geographical election
地区选举产生的议席;地区议席 geographical seat
地区整体性 district integrity
第二次投票 second poll
第一次投票 first poll
第一选择候选人 first-choice candidate
第一选择票 first preference vote
点名表决 division
点名表决 vote by roll call
点票 count
点票;点算选票 counting of votes
点票程序 counting procedure
点票方法 vote-counting method
点票机 counting machine
点票区 counting zone
点票站 counting station
点票站工作人员 counting staff
点票中心 counting centre
点票主任 Counting Supervisor
点票助理员 Counting Officer
电子表决系统 electronic voting system
订定条文 provide for
订明的公职人员 prescribed public officer
订明功能界别 prescribed functional constituency
动议;议案 motion
动议辩论 motion debate
动议获通过 motion adopted
动议获通过 motion carried
动议通知书 notice of motion
动议遭否决 motion defeated
动议遭否决 motion rejected
独立法定组织 independent statutory authority
独立候选人 independent candidate
独立签署的协议 free-standing agreement
独立委员会 independent commission
独立组织 independent body
对……负责 accountable to...
对等承认及执行民商事判决 reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters
对等界别分组 corresponding subsector
对抗式政治 confrontational politics
对立形式的政治制度;反对派系政治 adversarial politics
多边国际权利和义务 multilateral international rights and obligations
多边国际协议 multilateral international agreement
多边条约 multilateral treaty
多次投票权 multiple voting
多次投票制 multi-ballot system
多名候选人名单 multiple candidates list
多名获提名人名单 multiple nominees list
多数票 majority of votes
多数票(简单多数)制 plurality (simple majority) system
多数票(相对多数)制 plurality (relative majority) system
多数票原则 principle of plurality
多数票制 plurality system
多数票制 plurality voting system
多线点票 parallel counting
多议席单票制 "multi-seat, single-vote" system
多议席地方选区 multi-seat geographical constituency
多议席选区 multi-member constituency
多议席选区 multi-seat constituency
多议席选择选票制 multi-member preferential system
多元社会 plural society
二读 second reading
发表意见的自由;表达思想的自由 freedom of expression
发还选举按金表格 Return of Election Deposit
发还选举开支 reimbursement of election expenses
法案委员会〔临时立法会〕 Bills Committee [Provisional Legislative Council]
法案制定程序 enacting formula
法定地位 statutory footing
法定公营团体 statutory public company
法定年龄 legal age
法定人数 quorum
法定审裁处 statutory tribunal
法定声明 statutory declaration
法定时间表 statutory timetable
法定团体;法定机构 statutory body
法定委员会;法定仲裁处 statutory board
法定选民登记运动;法定选民登记工作 statutory voter registration exercise
法定语言 official language
法定责任 statutory obligation
法定准则 statutory criteria
法定罪行 statutory offence
法规 statute
法例的释疑 construction of laws
法例的释义 interpretation of laws
法律本地化 localization of laws
法律草拟人员 law draftsman
法律草拟专员 Law Draftsman
法律地位 legal status
法律改革委员会 Law Reform Commission
法律顾问 legal adviser
法律基础 legal footing
法律及法定释义 law and statutory interpretation
法律及司法制度 legal and judicial system
法律架构 legal framework
法律架构 legal structure
法律架构 legislative framework
法律界功能界别 legal functional constituency
法律界界别分组 legal subsector
法律适应化;改编法律 adaptation of laws
法律依据 legal basis
法人 legal person
法人团体;法团 body corporate
法团投票;团体投票 corporate voting
法院规则 rules of court
法治 rule of law
反对此选票不获接纳;选票不获接纳遭反对 rejection objected to
反对此选票获接纳;选票获接纳遭反对 acceptance objected to
反对登记通知书 Advice of Notice of Objection
反对票 dissenting vote
反对票 negative vote
反对通知书 notice of objection
反对意见 dissenting views
防务与治安;防务与公共秩序 defence and public order
防务责任 defence responsibilities
防止贪污处〔廉政公署〕 Corruption Prevention Department [ICAC]
房屋事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Housing [Provisional Legislative Council]
纺织及制衣界功能界别 textiles and garment functional constituency
纺织及制衣界界别分组 textiles and garment subsector
放弃投票;放弃表决 abstain from voting
非常任法官 non-permanent judge
非法定机构;非法定组织 non-statutory body
非法定委员会 non-statutory board
非法开支 unlawful expenditure
非法行为 illegal practice
非工作人士 non-working person
非官方议员 non-official member
非官方议员 unofficial member
非原居民 non-indigenous villager
非正式专家会议;非正式专家会谈 informal expert talk
非政党的政治组织 non-party political body
诽谤 defamation
废除 repeal
废票 invalidated vote
分隔间 compartment
分界;划定;划分 demarcation
分界〔地方选区〕 boundary [geographical constituency]
分票区/点票区 sorting/counting zone
分区 subregion
分区委员会 area committee
封箱证〔投票箱〕 sealing certificate [ballot box]
封箱装置〔投票箱〕 sealing device [ballot box]
否决 veto
服务承诺 Performance Pledge
符合宪法的立法机构 constitutional legislature
符合资格的选民 qualified elector
符合资格的选民;合资格选民 eligible elector
福利事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Welfare Services [Provisional Legislative Council]
付委〔法案〕 committal [bill]
负面宣传 negative campaigning
附带问题 incidental matter
附有得票最少候选人须退出竞选规定的按选择次序投票制度 preferential system with a withdrawal requirement
附属法例;附例 subsidiary legislation
副投票站主任 Deputy Presiding Officer
赋权法例 enabling legislation
干事;执事人员 office-bearer
港九劳工社团联会〔劳联〕 Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions [FLU]
港人建港 Hong Kong People Construct
港人论坛 Hong Kong Citizen Forum
港人协会 Hong Kong People's Association
港事顾问 Hong Kong Affairs Adviser
高层资源会议 Star Chamber
高等法院 High Court
高等法院上诉法庭 Court of Appeal of the High Court
高等法院上诉法庭法官〔前称上诉法院大法官〕 Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court [formerly known as Justice of Appeal]
高等法院首席法官 Chief Judge of the High Court
高等法院司法常务官〔前称最高法院司法常务官〕 Registrar, High Court
高等法院原讼法庭 Court of First Instance of the High Court
高等法院原讼法庭法官〔前称高等法院大法官〕 Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court [formerly known as Judge of the High Court]
高等教育界界别分组 higher education subsector
高度自治权 high degree of autonomy
个人利益登记〔临时立法会〕 registration of interests [Provisional Legislative Council]
个人投票 individual voting
个人投票 voting by individuals
个人选民 individual elector
工程界功能界别 engineering functional constituency
工程界界别分组 engineering subsector
工业界(第二)功能界别 industrial (second) functional constituency
工业界(第二)界别分组 industrial (second) subsector
工业界(第一)功能界别 industrial (first) functional constituency
工业界(第一)界别分组 industrial (first) subsector
工作层面上的会议 working-level meeting
工作程序;工作方法 working procedure
工作范畴 programme area
工作关系 working relationship
工作进度报告 progress report
工作人口 working people
工作人口 working population
工作往绩报告 performance report
工作小组 working party
工作宣言 Mission Statement
公共机构;公共团体;公众议会 public body
公共条例草案 Public Bill
公共行政 public administration
公共主管当局 public authority
公开场合发表的意见 public position
公开发表政见的会议 public presentation meeting
公开会议 open session
公开会议 public session
公开利益关系 disclose an interest
公开谴责 public censure
公民 citizen
公民教育 civic education
公民教育活动资助计划 Community Participation Scheme
公民教育委员会 Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education
公民教育资源中心 Civic Education Resource Centre
公民教育组织 civic education body
公民力量 Civil Force
公民权利及责任 civic rights and responsibilities
公民意识 civic awareness
公民意识 civic consciousness
公平及平等待遇 fair and equal treatment
公听会 public hearing
公务人员;公务员 public servant
公务员及资助机构员工事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Public Service [Provisional Legislative Council]
公信力 credibility
公印 public seal
公营部门 public sector
公营部门改革计划 programme of public sector reform
公职 public office
公职 public post
公职 public service
公职人员 public officer
公职选民 service voter
公众参与 public participation
公众查阅 public inspection
公众反应;社会各界人士的反应 public response
公众集会;公众聚会 public meeting
公众监察 public scrutiny
公众申述 public representation
公众席 public gallery
公众形象 public image
公众咨询期 public consultation period
功能界别〔前称功能组别〕 functional constituency
功能界别选举〔前称功能组别选举〕 functional constituency election
功能界别选票 functional constituency ballot paper
功能界别正式选民登记册 functional constituencies final register
功能界别制度 functional constituency system
功能团体 functional body
功能组别登记册登记申请书 Application for Registration in a Functional Constituency
共识;一致意见;共同意见 consensus
共同成员 cross membership
顾问身分 advisory capacity
关于展示及使用国旗、国徽及区旗、区徽的规定 Stipulations for the Display and Use of the National Flag and National Emblem and the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
关注团体 concern group
关注团体 interest group
官方机构 official mission
官方身分 official capacity
官方议员 official member
管理线 boundary of administration
管制计划协议 scheme of control agreement
管制悬挂横额的办法 banner control scheme
光标记识别仪器〔投票站〕 Optical Mark Recognition machine [polling station]
广播车辆;流动宣传车 broadcasting van
广泛支持 across-the-board support
归属感 sense of belonging
规管架构 regulatory framework
规管投票 regulation of ballot
规划地政及工程事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Planning, Lands and Works [Provisional Legislative Council]
国防事务;防务问题 defence affairs
国歌 national anthem
国徽 national emblem
国会;议会 congress
国籍身分 national status
国际法 international law
国际法学家委员会 International Commission of Jurists
国际权利与义务 international rights and obligations
国际私法 private international law
国家级国会 national congress
国家统一 national unity
国家行为 act of state
国旗 national flag
国庆节 national day
国务院〔中国〕 State Council [China]
国务院港澳办公室〔中国〕 Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office [China]
国务院令〔中国〕 State Council Decree [China]
过半数;简单多数 simple majority
海事裁判权 admiralty jurisdiction
海外选民 overseas elector
航运交通界功能界别 transport functional constituency
航运交通界界别分组 transport subsector
好票 good ballot paper
合并投票安排 combined polling arrangement
合伙 partnership
合资格参选年龄 age of eligibility for candidature
合资格选民 potential electorate
合资格选民 potential voter
合作模式;合作方式 modality for co-operation
和谐政治局面 political harmony
和议 second a motion
和议人;赞成人 seconder
核对编号〔投票通知卡〕 check digit [poll card]
核心内阁 inner cabinet
黑尔选举限额〔选票〕 Hare Quota [of votes]
横额 banner
衡平法 equity
候选人;竞选人;参选人 candidate
候选人的代理人 agent of a candidate
候选人的居港年期规定 residential requirement for candidature
候选人名单 list of candidates
候选人丧失资格 disqualification of a candidate
候选人身分;候选人资格 candidacy
候选人身分;候选人资格 candidature
候选人提名同意书及声明书 Candidate's Consent to Nomination and Declarations
候选人填报个人简历须知 notes on the preparation of a brief introduction for inclusion in the official leaflet
候选人同意提名 consent by a candidate for nomination
候选人资格的限制 restriction on candidacy
胡乱投票 donkey vote
互换批准书〔确认程序〕;通过 ratify
互相授权 cross-authorization
互选 mutual election
互助委员会 mutual aid committee [MAC]
划定 delineation
划定分界 demarcation of boundaries
划定选区分界;划分选区范围;划定选区分界 demarcation of constituency boundaries
划定选区分界的准则 demarcation criteria
划分选区 boundary demarcation
划分选区 demarcation of constituencies
划界工作 demarcation exercise
划一比率 flat rate
划一格式捐赠收据 Standard Form of Receipt for Donations
坏票 bad ballot paper
还原恶法 restoration of draconian laws
环境事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Environmental Affairs [Provisional Legislative Council]
缓冲区 buffer zone
缓冲区计划 Buffer Zone Scheme
换届选举 general election
汇点〔一九九四年与香港民主同盟合并组成民主党〕 Meeting Point [merged with United Democrats of Hong Kong to form Democratic Party in 1994]
会计界功能界别 accountancy functional constituency
会计界界别分组 accountancy subsector
会见市民计划 Meet-the-Public Scheme
会期终结 close of session
会上呈阅文件 paper tabled
会议;会期 session
会议常规;会议规程;常规 standing order
会议规程〔临时立法会〕 Rules of Order [Provisional Legislative Council]
会议过程的逐字记录 verbatim record of proceedings
会议恢复进行 meeting resumed
会议纪要 agreed minute
会议结束;休会 meeting adjourned
会议时数 sitting time
会议文件 committee paper
豁免权 immunity
伙伴关系 co-operative partnership
获配席位数目 assigned number
获授权代表 authorized representative
获提名人 nominee
获委任的人 appointee
获有效提名的候选人 validly nominated candidate
机构选民 agency voter
机会主义者 opportunist
机密会议 confidential session
机密外交往还 confidential diplomatic exchange
机密文件 confidential paper
基本法起草委员会 Basic Law Drafting Committee [BLDC]
基本法**督导委员会〔基广会〕 Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee
基本法推介联席会议 Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Basic Law of Hong Kong
基本法咨询委员会 Basic Law Consultative Committee [BLCC]
基本方针政策 fundamental policy
基本权利和自由 basic rights and freedoms
基层代表 grass-roots representative
基层界 grass-roots sector
集体负责规则 rule of collective responsibility
集体负责制 collective responsibility
集中处理地址数据的系统 centralized address system
记录在案 place on record
记名投票 open ballot
既得利益 vested interests
既定准则;既定基础 parameter
家访计划 home visit programme
架构;纲领;范围 framework
假设分界 hypothetical delineation
间接选举 indirect election
监察点票代理人 counting agent
监察点票代理人委任通知书 Notice of Appointment of Counting Agents
监察投票代理人 polling agent
监察投票代理人委任通知书 Notice of Appointment of Polling Agents
监察委员会 monitoring committee
监督功能;监督作用 supervisory role
监管当局 regulatory authority
监誓官 Commissioner for Oaths
检察机关 prosecuting authority
简报会;记者招待会 press briefing
简报会;简介会 briefing session
简称 short title
简单点票制 simple system of counting
简单多数选举制 simple majority system of election
建港社有限公司 Kin Kong Society Limited
建港协会 Association for a Better Hong Kong
建议选区 proposed constituency
建造、测量及都市规划界界别分组 architectural, surveying and planning subsector
建筑、测量及都市规划界功能界别 architectural, surveying and planning functional constituency
渐进的改变 progressive change
鉴定候选人资格 authentication of a candidate's qualifications
鉴定提名人 authentication of a nominator
交错任期 staggering terms of office
交接仪式 Handover Ceremony
交接仪式统筹处 Handover Ceremony Co-ordination Office
交通事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Transport [Provisional Legislative Council]
较优先选择 higher preference
教育界功能界别 educational functional constituency
教育界界别分组 education subsector
教育事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Education [Provisional Legislative Council]
教育行动组 Education Action Group
接受捐赠预先申报书 Advance Return of Donations
接受议员席位 acceptance of office as a member
接受主席职位通知书〔临时区议会主席〕 Notification of Acceptance of Office [Provisional District Board Chairman]
街坊福利会 kaifong welfare association
街坊工友服务处 Neighbourhood and Workers Service Centre [NWSC]
结社权利 right of association
解散 dissolution
解释草案 expository bill
介绍单张 introductory leaflet
届全国人民代表大会 xth Session of the xth National People's Congress
界;界别〔选举委员会〕 sector
界别分组 subsector
界别分组临时投票人登记册 subsector provisional register
界别分组投票人登记册 subsector register
界别分组选举 subsector election
界别分组正式投票人登记册 subsector final register
金钱利害关系 pecuniary interest
金融服务界功能界别 financial services functional constituency
金融服务界界别分组 financial services subsector
金融界功能界别 finance functional constituency
金融界界别分组 finance subsector
金英勇勋章 Medal for Bravery (Gold) [MBG]
金紫荆星章 Gold Bauhinia Star [GBS]
紧急会议〔临时立法会〕 emergnecy session [Provisional Legislative Council]
进出口界功能界别 import and export functional constituency
进出口界界别分组 import and export subsector
禁止逗留区 no staying zone
禁止拉票区 no canvassing zone
经济事务委员会〔临时立法会〕 Panel on Economic Services [Provisional Legislative Council]
经由立法措施订立的准则;法定准则 legislative criteria
竞选对手 rival candidate
竞选方法;投票办法 polling method
竞选广播 election broadcasting
竞选活动 election campaigning
竞选活动;助选活动;拉票活动 electioneering
竞选活动;助选活动;拉票活动 electioneering activity
竞选伙伴 campaign partner
竞选经费 campaign funding
竞选开支 campaign expenditure
竞选刊物 campaign literature
竞选刊物 election publication
竞选连任;改选;重选 re-election
竞选声明 election statement
竞选文件 campaign paper
竞选政纲 election platform
竞选助理 campaign assistant
竞选资料 election material
竞选资料 electioneering material
酒店界界别分组 hotel subsector
就参选事宜贿赂或威吓任何人 bribery or intimidation in relation to standing as a candidate
就任宣誓 Official Oath
居留规定;居留资格 residential qualification
居住人口 residential population
举手表决 show of hands
举手表决 vote by show of hands
举行公众集会/游行意向通知书 notification of the intention to hold a public meeting/procession
具体法例 specific legislation
具有约束力 binding
捐赠;捐款 donation
捐赠地方选区个别名单候选人划一收据 Standard Form of Receipt for Donations to Individual Candidate on the Geographical Constituency List
捐赠地方选区候选人名单的划一收据 Standard Form of Receipt for Donations to the Geographical Constituency List As a Whole
捐赠摘要 summary of donations
决策局〔前称决策科〕 policy bureau [formerly known as policy branch]
决定票;主席决定性一票 casting vote
决定权 decision-making power
决断票 categorical vote
决议;决议案 resolution
决议草案 draft resolution
决议程序 resolution procedure
绝对多数 absolute majority
绝对多数票 absolute majority of votes
绝对票数制 absolute system
军事用地 defence land
军用土地房产;军用房屋土地 defence estates
军用土地房产;军用房屋土地 military estates
均衡成员比例 balance of membership
均衡代表性 balanced representation
可容许的人口相差幅度上限 maximum possible margin of population deviation
可选择的界别分组 optional subsector
可转移单票制 single transferable vote system
空白票 blank ballot
口头表决 voice vote
口头谅解 oral understanding
口头申述 oral representation
跨界 cross boundary
跨境 cross border
扩大的选民范围 broadened franchise
扩大的选民范围 extended franchise
拉票;游说 lobby
拉票代理人 canvassing agent
拉票管制区 restricted canvassing area
拉票活动 canvassing
拉票人 canvasser
蓝本 blueprint
蓝纸条例草案 blue bill
滥用权力 abuse of power
滥用选举开支 misuse of election expenses实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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