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游艇专业英语词汇(A4)          【字体:


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 冲灰器 ash ejector
 可用能 available energy
 无气喷油引擎 airless injection engine
 大气引擎 atmospheric engine
 正排气凸轮 ahead exhaust cam
 倒排气凸轮 astern exhaust cam
 辅机排气 auxiliary exhaust
 绝热膨胀,定热膨胀 adiabatic expansion
 酒精引擎 alcohol engine
 大气排气 atmospheric exhaust
 锚眼 anchor eye
 轴流式风扇 axial flow fan
 自动张力机 automatic tension engine
 辅助给水止回阀 auxiliary feed check valve
 气冷引擎 air cooling engine
 辅机,副机 auxiliary engine
 [空]气压[力]表 air pressure gauge
 调整装置 adjusting gear
 乙炔产生器 acetylene gas generator
 交流发电机 alternate current generator (or alternator)
 回答旗 answering flag
 可用热量 available heat
 后货舱 after (or aft) hold
 横倾角 angle of heel
 美国线规 American wire gauge
 退火炉 annealing furnace
 空[气间]隙 air gap
 起锚装置,锚具 anchor gear
 角度规 angle gauge
 辅助发电机 auxiliary generator
 空气马力 air horsepower
 装甲软管(铠装软管) armoured hose
 空气舱口 air hatch
 气密接合 air tight joint
 进气口 air inlet
 空气加热器 air heater
 锚挡板 anchor lining
 吊灰机 ash hoist
 进入管系 admission line
 吸收式冷冻机 absorption machine
 无[空]气喷射 airless (or solid) injection
 架空线,天线 aerial line
 空气喷射 air injection
 氨气制冰机 ammonia machine
 舷梯 accomodation ladder
 [空]气冷[却]机 air cooling machine
 碇泊灯,锚灯 anchor lamp (or light)
 抗摩金属 anti-friction metal
 弧光灯 arc lamp
 锚泊灯 anchor light
 气闸 air lock
 交流马达 AC motor
 轴油 axial oil
 副机,辅机 auxilary machinery
 后缆 aft line
 防腐漆 anti-corrosive paint (AC)
 通气注入两用管 air and filling pipe
 电流表 ampere meter
 进汽口 admission port
 合格式样,认可式样 approved pattern
 回答旗 answering pendant
 吸气口 air suction port
 防污漆 anti-fouling paint (AF)
 石棉迫紧 asbestos packing
 大气压力 atmospheric pressure
 实际螺距 actual pitch
 倒动力 astern power
 倒喷嘴 astern nozzle
 耐酸漆 acid resisting paint
 蓄气器 air reservoir
 实测螺距 analysis pitch
 正动力 ahead power
 通气测深两用管 air and sounding pipe
 视螺距 apparent pitch
 起居设备布置图 accommodation plan
 空气塞 air plug
 绝对压力 absolute pressure
 空气阻力 air resistance
 空气螺桨 aerial propeller
 辅锅炉舱 auxiliary boiler room
 布置图 arrangement plan
 舷窗,通汽口 air port
 空气喷射压力 air injection pressure
 主动舵 active rudder
 自动驱气阀 automatic scavenging valve
 冲灰泵 ash ejecting pump
 鎗架 arm rack
 全周逆转装置 all round reversing gear
 绝对横摇 absolute rolling
 锚索 anchor rope
 调整螺钉 adjusting screw
 起动气瓶 atarting air reservoir
 反潜舰 anti-submarine ship
 武装商船 armed merchant ship
 空气泵 air pump
 轴流泵 axial flow pump
 石棉圈 asbestos ring
 辅机舱 auxiliary machinery room
 招风斗 air scoop
 电枢轴 armature shaft
 鳄口形剪机 alligator shear
 增加阻力 augmented resistance
 全动舵 all movable rudder
 军火船,弹药舰 ammunition ship
 武装船 armed ship
 航空补给舰 aviation supply ship
 人工干燥 artificial seasoning
 年轮(木材) annual ring
 锚接环 anchor shackle
 角铁剪机 angle iron shear
 锚环 anchor ring
 将官厅 admiral saloon
 后桅帆船 aft schooner
 合金钢 alloy steel
 大舱口船 all-hatch ship
 空气消音器 air silencer
 锚干 anchor shaft (or stack , or shank)
 装甲舰 armoured ship
 锚工场 anchor shop
 辅助蒸汽 auxiliary steam
 飞机修理舰 aircraft repair ship
 倒级(涡轮机) astern stage
 起落锚站 anchor station
 空气吸入管 air suction pipe
 空气箱(救生艇) air tank
 风硬钢 air hardening steel
 辅助舰 auxiliary ship
 泄灰槽 ash shoot
 进气消音器 air intake silencer
 穿甲弹 armour piercing shell
 原子动力船 atomic powered ship
 攻击舰 attack ship
 调整弹簧 adjusting spring
 正级(涡轮机) ahead stage
 辅[助]操舵装置 auxiliary steering gear
 年度检验,岁验 annual survey
 视滑流 apparent slip
 前进速[率](螺桨) advance speed
 交变应力 alternating stress
 空气温度计 air thermometer
 警报温度计 alarm thermometer
 天遮柱 awning stanchion
 空气起动阀 air starting valve
 容许强度 allowable strength
 艉尖舱 after (or aft) peak tank
 减摇水舱 anti-rolling tank
 酒精温度计 alcohol thermometer
 加改装规范 alternation specification
 自动操舵装置 automatic steering gear
 附加强度,加强 additional strength
 额外检验 additional survey
 容许应力 allowable stress
 贮气柜 air storage tank
 自动起动器 auto starter
 绝对温度 absolute temperature
 调整柜 adjusting tank
 倒涡轮机 astern turbine
 贮气柜 air storage tank
 人员运输舰 attack transport
 推进面(螺桨) acting surface
 轴向推力 axial thrust
 可调推力[轴]承 adjusting thrust bearing
 警报阀 alarm valve
 自动止回阀 automatic non-return valve
 遮盖甲板船 awning deck vessel
 方位表 azimuth table
 辅[助]压载柜(潜艇) auxiliary ballast tank
 陆军运输舰 army transport
 音速 acoustic (or sound) velocity
 后平衡柜(潜艇) after (or aft) trimming tank
 风洞 air (or wind) tunnel
 自动驱气阀 automatic scavenging valve
 飞机勤务舰 aircraft tender
 实际推力 actual thrust
 进气阀,进汽阀 admission valve
 磨耗试验 abrasion test
 空气试验,气密试验 air test
 调整阀 adjusting valve
 美国金属学会 ASM (American Society for Metals, U.S.A.)
 美国水道工程协会 AWWA (American Water Works Association, U.S.A.)
 空气密性 air tightness
 轴流涡轮机 axialflow turbine
 外观速度,视速度 apparent velocity
 活动扳钳 adjustable wrench
 德国压力柜制造协会 AD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Druckbehaelter, Germany)
 美国爱迪生照明协会 AEIC (Association of Edison Illuminating Co., U.S.A.)
 主风道 air trunk
 人工通风 artificial ventilation
 电枢绕组 armature winding
 美国铝业金属公司 ALCOA (Aluminum Company of America, U.S.A.)
 美国土木工程师学会 ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers, U.S.A.)
 美国空调冷冻工程师学会 ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, U.S.A.)
 美国船模试验槽会议 ATTC (American Towing Tank Conference, U.S.A.)
 正涡轮机 ahead turbine
 环形阀 annular valve
 美国州属公路协会 AASHO (American Association of State Highway Officials, U.S.A.)
 美国验船协会 AB (or ABS) (American Bureau of shipping, U.S.A.)
 美国工具制造工程师学会 ASTME (American Society of Tool Manufacturing Engineers, U.S.A.)
 飞机运输舰 airplane transport
 辅助船舶 auxiliary vessel
 美国抗摩轴承制造协会 AFBMA (Anti-Friction Bearing Manufactures Association, U.S.A.)
 进气阀 air inlet valve
 绝对速度 absolute velocity
 视重 apparent weight
 美国海空军航空规范 AN (Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Specifications, U.S.A.)
 空气导进阀 air induction valve
 美国齿轮制造协会 AGMA (American Gear Manufacturers Association, U.S.A.)
 美国电机工程师协会 AIEE (or IEEE) (American Institute of Electrical Engineers, U.S.A.)
 瑞士电机技士协会 ASE (Association Suisse des Electriciens SEV, Switzerland)
 美国冷冻工程师学会 ASRE (or ASHRAE) (American Society of Refrigerating Engineers, U.S.A.)
 美国木材防腐协会 AWPA (American Wood Preservers' Associating, U.S.A.)
 空气喷射阀 air injection valve
 [空]气阀 air valve
 折角阀 angle valve
 角速度 angular velocity
 空气[螺桨]推进船 aerial propeller vessel
 美国保险协会 AIA (American Insurance Association, U.S.A.)
 美国钢铁学会 AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute, U.S.A.)
 美国航空材料规范 AMS (Aerospace Material Specifications SAE, U.S.A.)
 美国航空推荐准则 ARP (Aerospace Recommended Practice SAE, U.S.A.)
 美国航空标准 AS (Aerospace Standards SAE, U.S.A.)
 美国化学学会 ACS (American Chemical Society, U.S.A.)
 美国海空军航空设计标准 AND (Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Design Standards, U.S.A.)
 美国标准协会 ASA (or USASI, or ANSI) (American Standards Association, U.S.A.)
 美国材料试验学会 ASTM (American society for Testing and Materials, U.S.A.)
 美国铁道协会 AAR (Association of American Railroads, U.S.A.)
 美国合金铸造学会 ACI (Alloy Casting Institute, U.S.A.)
 美国海空军航空标准 AN (Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Standards, U.S.A.)
 美国油料化学工程师学会 AOCS (American Oil Chemists' Society, U.S.A.)
 美国空调冷冻学会 ARI (Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, U.S.A.)
 美国暖气及通风工程师学会 ASHVE (American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, U.S.A.)
 美国国家标准学会 ANSI (or ASA, or USASI) (American National Standards Institute, U.S.A.)
 乙炔焊接 acetylene welding
 电[弧]焊[接] arc welding
 美国石油学会 API (American Petroleum Institute, U.S.A.)
 美国铁道工程协会 AREA (American Railway Engineering Association, U.S.A.)
 美国电焊学会 AWS (American Welding Society, U.S.A.)
 美国铝业金属协会 AA (Aluminum Association, U.S.A.)
 美国公共健康协会 APHA (American Public Health Association, U.S.A.)
 美国机械工程师学会 ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers, U.S.A.)
 美国水泥学会 ACI (American Concrete Institute, U.S.A.)
 美国能源委员会 AEC (American Energy Commission, U.S.A.)
 美国瓦斯协会 AGA (American Gas Association, U.S.A.)
 美国钢材建造协会 AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction, U.S.A.)
 美国空调协会 AMCA (Air Moving and Conditioning Association, U.S.A.)
 美国海空军航空公报 ANA (Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Bulletin, U.S.A.)
 英国航空注册部 ARB (Air Registration Board, U.K.)实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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