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电力词汇(4)          【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-6     

disconnector 切断器
disinfectant tank 消毒箱
dispatch floor 调度楼层
dispatch interval time 调度间隔时间
dispatch panel 调度盘
dispatch signal 调度信号
dispatcher board 调度程序指示板;综合指示箱
dispersant 化油剂
displacement switch 位移开关
displacement type governor 位移式调速器
disposable cylinder 只用一次的石油气瓶
disposable liquefied petroleum gas cartridge 只用一次的卡式石油气瓶
distinctive smell 特有气味
distortion 失真
distribution board 配电箱
distribution of electricity 分配电力;配电
distribution panel 配电盘;配电板;配电屏
distribution substation 配电分站
distribution system 配电系统
distributor 分火器;分配器;分销商
district cooling scheme 区域性冷却系统
diurnal variation 日际变化
diversion kerb 导流壆
diversion sheave 折向轮
diversity 参差额
diverter 分流器
diverting pulley 折向滑轮
domestic gas appliance 住宅式气体用具
domestic instantaneous gas water heater 住宅式即热气体热水炉
door cam 门锁
door catch 门扣
door close button 关门按钮
door closing weight 自动关门锤砣
door contact 门触点
door control 门控制
door gasket 柜门封边胶条
door gib 门导块
door header cover 门头罩
door hinge 门铰;门铰链
door interlock 门联锁
door interlock switch 门联锁开关
door limit switch 门限位开关
door lock 门锁
door lock cover 门锁罩
door locking device 锁门装置
door open button 开门按钮
door open limit 开门限位
door operating gear 门启动装置
door operating guide 门启动导向件
door operation 门操作
door sill 门坎;门坎
door track 门轨
dose 剂量
dose rate 剂量率
dosimetry 剂量学;剂量测量法
double burner 双头炉
double case construction [fuel tank] 双层包箱〔油箱〕
double riveting 双排铆接
double wrap 双绕;复绕
double-capped fluorescent lamp 双头荧光灯
double-insulated equipment 双重绝缘器具
double-insulated isolating transformer 双重绝缘隔离变压器
double-pole switch 双极开关掣
double-wound 双线绕组的
double-wound transformer 双绕组变压器
down arrow 下行箭头
down direction valve 下行控制阀
down final limit and terminal stopping switch 最低限位及最低楼层停机掣
down rod 悬杆
down-draught diverter 倒风折流器;拔风罩
downstream 下游
drain 放水;排水
drain cock 排水旋塞;“清缸掣”
drain valve 排水阀
drawbar 牵引杆
drawn-in tape 拉线带
draw-off connection 卸载接头
draw-off rate 出汽率
drill 电钻
drilling machine 钻
drip pan 接滴盘
drive 驱动;驱动装置
drive axle 驱动轮轴
drive chain 驱动链
drive control 驱动控制
drive hub 驱动轮毂
drive motor 驱动马达
drive system 驱动系统
drive unit 驱动器;驱动单元
driving belt 驱动皮带
driving gear 驱动齿轮
driving gear assembly 驱动齿轮组件
driving gearbox 驱动齿轮箱
driving machine 驱动机
driving machine brake 驱动机制动器
driving motor 驱动马达
driving pinion 驱动齿轮
driving sheave 驱动轮
drop test 下坠测试
drum drive 滚筒驱动装置
dry cooking appliance 干式煮食器具
dry powder type fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器
drying machine 干衣机
dry-sealed gasholder 干封式贮气鼓
duct 管道
duct air treatment system 管道空气处理系统
ducter 微阻计
ductility 延展性;延伸度
ducting 管道;管通
ductwork 管道系统
dumb waiter 小型送货升降机;送菜升降机
duplex control 两部相联控制
duplicate conductor 二重导体
duplicate insulator 二重绝缘体
duplicate permit 复本许可证;许可证复本
duplicate protective conductor 双重保护导体
dust seal 防尘封
duty technician 值勤技术员实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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