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Names of Some Chinese and Foreign Movie Companies, Film Studios and Film Distribution Corporations

Agricultural Film Studio of China 中国农业电影制片厂
August First Film Studio (中)八一电影制片厂
Beijing Children’s Film Studio (中)北京儿童电影制片厂
Beijing Film Studio (中)北京电影制片厂
Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio (中)中央新闻纪录电影制片厂
Changchun Film Studio (中)长春电影制片厂
China Film Distribution and Exhibition Corporation 中国电影发行放映公司
China Motion Picture Studio (中国台湾)中国电影公司
Cinema International Corporation (美)新艺国际电影公司
Cinema Television Ltd. (英)电影电视有限公司
Emei Film Studio (中)峨嵋电影制片厂
Pacific Audio and Video Corporation of China 中国太平洋影音公司
Pearl River Film Studio, Zhujiang River Film Studio (中)珠江电影制片厂
Radio Films (美)雷电华影片公司
Shanghai Film Dubbing Studio (中)上海电影译制厂
Shenzhen Film Enterprise (中)深圳影业公司
Taiwan Film Studio (中)台湾电影制片厂
20th Century Fox Fed. Inc. (美)二十世纪福斯影片公司
Unique Films, Ltd. (美)比高电影有限公司
United Artists (美)联艺影片公司
Universal Picture Corporation (美)环球影片公司
Warner Brothers (美)华纳影片公司
Xi’an Film Studio (中)西安电影制片厂
Xiaoxiang Film Studio (中)潇湘电影制片厂
Youth Film Studio (中)青年电影制片厂

Film Actors, Screen Actresses 电影演员
atmosphere person (电影)临时演员
cast 演员班子
character actor (电影)性格演员
child actress 女童星
cinemaster \ (美),film star,movie star 电影明星
Crowd film actor, film super 演配角的电影演员
dubber, dubbing speaker 配音演员
extra 特别客串演员(拍摄群众场面)临时演员
film artist 电影表演艺术家
film comedian 电影喜剧演员
leading cinemactor, leading photo player 演主角的电影演员
leading movie luminary 大牌电影明星
leg artist “大腿”明星
lip-synchronist 对口型录音者,配音演员
matinee idol 受女观众欢迎的男明星
money making movie star 所拍影片卖座的影星
movie king 影帝
movie queen 影后
new star 新星
regular film actor 基本演员
semi star 二流演员
sex goddess 受欢迎的性感女明星
stand in 在拍摄前对光调整镜头的演员替身
starlet 正在受训的小明星
stunt girl 女明星的替身,替身中的女性
stunt man 拍摄危险场面时的替身演员
super-numerary (电影)无声配角演员
superstar (电影)超级明星
supporting cinemactress, supporting movie actress 演配角的电影女演员
top screen star 最佳电影演员
tragic star 悲剧明星
ugly star 丑星
young actress 年轻的女电影演员

Films, Magic Lamps, Lantern Slides, Screen Scripts 电影,影片,幻灯,幻灯片,电影剧本
Pictures 电影,影片
action film 情节电影
added short 加映的短片
adult Western 成年人看的西部电影
adventure film, adventure story 惊险片
affectional film, love story film 爱情片
American movie 美国影片
animated film 动画片
anti-espionage film, anti-spy film 反特片,反谍片
art film, artistic film 艺术片
artistic documentary film 艺术纪录片
athletic film, sports film 体育片
audience picture 受一般观众欢迎的影片
avant-garde picture (法)前卫派电影
bang-bang, war film 战争片
biographical film 传记片
black and white film, black and white movie 黑白电影
blue film, peep cinerama 黄色下流电影
B movie B级片,水平不高的影片
Cartoon and puppet films 美术片
children's film, kid movie 儿童电影
Chinese film 中国影片,汉语片
cinema colour, colour film, colour movie 彩色影片
Cinemascope 一种宽银幕电影(商标名)
cinema verite, cineverite (法)实录电影
cinemexploration 探险题材的影片,游记片
cinepanoramic 全景宽银幕电影
cinerama 宽银幕立体电影
collective story film 集合故事片
college film 学院片
colour documentary film 彩色纪录片
colour printing film 彩印片
comedy film 喜剧片
costume film 古装片
cow-boy film 牛仔电影,美国西部电影
cutting copy, sample film 样本,样片
day-light movie 白昼电影
deepie (口),stereoscopic film, three-dimensional film 立体电影
detective film 侦探片
documentary shorts, newsreel 新闻短片
double feature 分上、下集之影片
double feature movie 双题材故事片
dracula movie 内容残酷、恐怖的电影
dubbed film 译制片
dubbed foreign film 译制的外国片
duplicated film 复制片
education film, educational film 教育片
English film with Chinese captions 带中文字幕的英语影片
English story film 英国故事片
epic film 史诗片
eroducion, erotic film, pornographic film, sex film, sexploiter 色情电影
ethical film 伦理片
experimental film 探索性影片
fairy film 童话片
feature film 故事片,长片,正片
featurette 短故事片,短艺术片,教育影片
featurization 特制片
film colossus 规模很大的电影
filmlet 短小的影片
first run film 首轮放映的影片
foreign film 外国影片
full length record film 大型纪录片
full length wide screen cartoon film 大型宽银幕动画片
instruction film 教学片
medical film 医学片
military film 军事片
movie-movie 真实的电影
multi media show 多媒体电影
original version 原版片,原文片
popular science film 科普片
preview, prevue(美) 预告片
puppet film, puppetoon 木偶片
science and education film 科教片
science fiction, sci-fi film 科幻片
serial 分集的影片,成套的影片
silent film, silent picture 无声电影
swordsmen film 武侠片
titled film 片印字幕的影片
topical film 时事片
tragedy film 悲剧片
trailer 广告性的电影预告片
vitaphone 利用唱片放音的有声电影

Titles 电影字幕与标题
art title 美术字幕
bridging title 插入字幕
Chinese title 中文字幕
clip 新闻影片的标题
credit title 工作人员名单(电影字幕)
descriptive title 叙述字幕
English captions 英文字幕
explanatory title 说明字幕
film name, film title 片名
leader 片头部分,叙述字幕
main title 主字幕
side title 说明字幕,幻灯字幕
spoken title 对白字幕
sub-title 副字幕
working title (美)影片的暂定名称,工作字幕
G(General Audience) G级(此类影片男女老少均可观看)
late show 午夜场
packed house 爆满
premiere, screen debut 电影的首映
public show 公映
Restricted (Restricted Under 17) R级(专为十七岁以下青年放映)

Film Awards 电影奖
Academy Awards, Oscar Awards (美)电影艺术科学院奖,奥斯卡奖
best actor award 最佳男演员奖
best art direction award 最佳艺术指导奖
best cameraman award 最佳摄影奖
best costume designing award 最佳服装设计奖
best director award 最佳导演奖
best documentary award 最佳纪录片奖
best dubbing award 最佳配音奖
best feature film award 最佳故事片奖
best female supporting role award 最佳女配角奖
best film editing award 最佳剪辑奖
best foreign language film award 最佳外国影片奖
best make up award 最佳化装奖
best male supporting role award 最佳男配角奖
best props award 最佳道具奖
best recording award 最佳录音奖
best scenarist award 最佳编剧奖
best science film award 最佳科教片奖
best science film award 最佳布景设计奖
best sound effects award 最佳音响效果奖
best special effects award 最佳特技奖
Gary Cooper Prize (戛纳国际电影节)加菜·古柏奖
Golden Bear (柏林电影节最高奖)金熊奖
Golden Gate award (旧金山国际电影节)金门奖
Golden Harvest (亚洲电影工作者联盟最佳奖)丰收奖
Golden Rooster awards (中)金鸡奖
Gold Horse Prize (中国台湾)金马奖
Gold Lion award (威尼斯国际影展)金狮奖
Grand Prix (电影比赛)大奖,最高奖
Hong Kong Gold Statue awards 香港金像奖
honorary award 荣誉奖
Hundred Flowers awards (中)百花奖
New York Film Critics’ Award (美)纽约电影评论家奖
outstanding film award 优秀影片奖
special award 特别奖

Comedies, Tragedies 喜剧,悲剧
black comedy, comedie noire(法),dark comedy 荒涎的喜剧
comedie de moeurs(法),comedy of manners 社会习俗讽刺喜剧
comedy of character 性格喜剧
comedy of humors 幽默喜剧
comedy of situation, situation comedy 情节喜剧
cothurnus, tragedy 悲剧
high comedy 主题严肃、含义深长的喜剧
light comedy 轻松喜剧
low comdey 低级喜剧
masked comedy 假面喜剧
musical comedy 歌舞喜剧
narrow comedy 无聊喜剧
sentimental comedy 言情喜剧
slap-stick comedy 下流喜剧
tragicomedy 悲喜剧

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