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[图文]At the clinic 在诊所里         ★★★★ 【字体:

At the clinic 在诊所里

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-20     

 1. thermometer 溫度計  7. medicine 藥  13. scale 體重計
 2. syringe 針筒  8. pills 藥丸  14. swab 棉花棒
 3. height chart 身高表  9. antibiotics 抗生素   15. antiseptic cream 消毒藥膏
 4. blood pressure gauge 血壓計  10. painkillers 止痛藥  16. rubber gloves 橡膠手套
 5. eye drops 眼藥水  11. beaker 燒杯    
 6. eardrops 耳藥水  12. stethoscope 聽診器     

1.  Roll up your sleeve. 捲起你的袖子。(www.51education.net整理)
2.  Let me check your blood pressure. 讓我來幫你量血壓。(www.51education.net整理)
3.  Does this hurt? 這樣會痛嗎?
4.  How long have you had this problem? 你這個毛病有多久了?
5.  Take these three times a day. 這個一天服用三次。(www.51education.net整理)
6.  My back hurts. 我的背痛。(www.51education.net整理)
7.  How are you feeling? 你覺得怎麼樣?
8.  Deep breaths please! 請深呼吸! 
9.   You have an infection. 你得了傳染病。(www.51education.net整理)  

俚語  Slang
 My leg is killing me. 我的腳痛死了。(www.51education.net整理)
 I've been feeling a bit under the weather. 我覺得身體不太舒服。(www.51education.net整理)
 I've got the flu. 我得了流行性感冒。(www.51education.net整理)
 I have a runny nose. 我流鼻水。(www.51education.net整理)
 I have the runs. 我拉肚子。(www.51education.net整理) 
成語 Idioms
just what the doctor ordered 正合我意;正是所要的
 這句成語字面上的意思是「正是醫生所吩咐的」,原來是指醫生所開的處方正符合病人的病情需要。(www.51education.net整理)日常生活中我們會用這個成語來表達對方所提供的正是我們所需要的, 也就是「正合我意」的意思。(www.51education.net整理)
  Two weeks in Bali -- that's just what the doctor ordered.
 Dialogue 1.

 Larry doesn't feel well, so he has gone to see a doctor.
Doctor:   Hi, Larry! Have a seat -- what seems to be the problem? 醫生︰ 嗨,賴瑞!請坐──有什麼問題嗎?
Larry:  Well, doctor, my back hurts and I am feeling a bit under the weather. 賴瑞︰ 嗯,醫生,我的背痛,而且我覺得身體有點不舒服。(www.51education.net整理)
Doctor:   How long have you had this problem? 醫生︰ 你這個問題有多久啦?
Larry:  About six months. It started when I started my new job with computers. 賴瑞︰  大概有六個月了。(www.51education.net整理)在我剛開始在新工作中用電腦的時候就開始了。(www.51education.net整理)
Doctor:  It's possible that you're not sitting properly at your desk. I think you should get a new chair. 醫生︰ 那很有可能是你的坐姿不良。(www.51education.net整理)我想你應該買一張新的椅子。(www.51education.net整理) 
 Dialogue 2.

 Larry goes back to his doctor one month later. 
Doctor:   Hello, Larry! How are you feeling? 醫生︰ 哈囉,賴瑞!你覺得怎麼樣?
Larry:  Oh, much better. I bought a new chair as you suggested and I feel great. 賴瑞︰ 喔,好多了。(www.51education.net整理)我照你的建議買了一張新椅子後就覺得不錯。(www.51education.net整理)
Doctor:  I'm glad to hear that, but I would like you to come back in six months. 醫生︰ 我很高興聽到這個消息,不過我希望你六個月之後再來一趟。(www.51education.net整理)
Larry:  But I'm fine. I can assure you. 賴瑞︰ 可是我很好。(www.51education.net整理)我向你保證。(www.51education.net整理)
Doctor:  You probably are, but it's still worth monitoring your progress. 醫生︰ 你也許覺得不錯,可是還是值得做追蹤。(www.51education.net整理)
Larry:  OK, doctor. And thank you so much for your help. 賴瑞︰ 好吧,醫生。(www.51education.net整理)謝謝你的幫忙。(www.51education.net整理)

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