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[图文]Fast food  快餐         ★★★★ 【字体:

Fast food 快餐

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-20     

 1. ice coffee 冰咖啡  7 soft drink 汽水  13. french fries 薯條
 2. orange juice 柳橙汁  8. mustard 芥末  14. change 零錢
 3. bag 袋子  9. mayonnaise 美乃滋   15. receipt 收據
 4. hamburger 漢堡  10. ketchup 蕃茄醬  16. counter 櫃台
 5. tray 托盤   11. straw 吸管  17. cash register 收銀機
 6. napkin 餐巾紙  12. ice 冰塊  18. coupon 折價券
1.  burger 漢堡
2.  cheeseburger 起司漢堡
3.  fries 薯條
4.  Next please! 下一位!
5.  Is this seat taken? 這個位置有人坐嗎?
6.  Let's sit over here! 我們坐這裡吧!
7.  These fries are cold! 這些薯條涼掉了!
8.  This soda is flat! 這杯汽水沒汽了! 
9.   I didn't order this. 我沒有點這個。(www.51education.net整理) 
10.  (Is that for) here or to go? 內用還是外帶?
11.  Is that everything? 這樣就好了嗎? 
12.  Small, medium, or large? 小的、中的還是大的? 
13.  Excuse me, where's the restroom? 抱歉,請問洗手間在哪裡?
14.  Would you like fries with your order? 你點的餐要加薯條嗎?
俚語  Slang
 This is great! 這太棒了!
 That's a rip off! 那簡直是坑人嘛!
 I could kill for a burger. 我非常想吃一個漢堡。(www.51education.net整理)(原來字面上的意思是︰我可以為了一個漢堡殺人)
 Let's grab a burger. 我們吃個漢堡吧。(www.51education.net整理)
 I've got the munchies! 我嘴饞!(munch︰咀嚼)
成語 Idioms
To bite one's tongue (某人)不要說話;某人(保持緘默)
 這個成語也可以寫成 hold one's tongue 「控制住(某人的)舌頭」,亦即「保持沈默」。(www.51education.net整理)而原來 bite 這個字當動詞,是將舌頭放在牙齒中間,以防說出一些會讓人後悔的事。(www.51education.net整理)
  You better bite your tongue and not say a word of this to anyone!

 Dialogue 1.

Jane is about to order at a fast food restaurant. 
Clerk:   Welcome to Burger Barn. Can I take your order? 店員︰ 歡迎光臨漢堡屋。(www.51education.net整理)我能為您點餐嗎?
Jane:  Mmm. Can I have a cheeseburger please? And... an orange juice. 珍︰ 嗯。(www.51education.net整理) 可以給我一個起司漢堡嗎?還有……一杯柳橙汁。(www.51education.net整理)
Clerk:   Small, medium or large? 店員︰ 小的、中的還是大的?
Jane:  Large please. Oh! Can I have some fries with that? 珍︰  請給我大的。(www.51education.net整理)喔!我可以要一點薯條嗎?
Clerk:   Sure. Just a moment please. 店員︰ 當然可以。(www.51education.net整理)請稍候。(www.51education.net整理)  
 Dialogue 2.

Ron and Ann have both ordered their meals and they are now sitting at a table. 
Ron:   How's your burger? 榮︰ 妳的漢堡怎麼樣?
Ann:   The burger's great but the fries are a bit cold. 安︰ 漢堡很好吃可是薯條有點涼了。(www.51education.net整理)
Ron:  Why don't you take them back? 榮︰ 妳怎麼不拿回去退?
Ann:  Do you think they'll mind? 安︰ 你想他們會介意嗎?
Ron:   What do you mean?! They'll be happy to replace them. 榮︰ 妳是什麼意思?!他們會很樂意退換。(www.51education.net整理)
Ann:  You know me, I hate to complain about things. 安︰ 你知道我的嘛,我討厭抱怨。(www.51education.net整理)

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