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[图文]At the post office 在邮局       ★★★★ 【字体:


At the post office

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-20     

 1. ink pad 印台  7. postcard 明信片  13. letter 信件
 2. chop 印章  8. stamp 郵票  14. glue 膠水
 3. scissors 剪刀  9. utility bill 帳單  15. address 地址
 4. customs label 交寄證明  10. package 包裹  16. wrapping paper 包裝紙
 5. string 繩;線  11. scale 磅秤  17. tape 膠帶
 6. receipt 收據  12. greeting card 賀卡    
1.  air mail 航空信
2.  sea mail 海運
3.  When will this package get there? 這個包裹何時會到達?
4.  What's the quickest way to send this? 寄這份郵件最快的方法是什麼? 
5.  Don't forget the return address! 不要忘記回郵的地址!
6.  What's the ZIP code? (U.S.) (美)郵遞區號是多少?
7.  What's the postal code? (U.K.) (英)郵遞區號是多少?
8.  Please use BLOCK CAPITALS. 請用正楷大寫。(www.51education.net整理)
9.  Can I send this by registered mail? 我可以用掛號寄這封信嗎?
10.  Hey! You've got mail! 嘿!有你的信!
俚語  Slang
 Let's wrap things up. 我們下個結論吧!(wrap things up︰事情的最後階段;接近尾聲)
 That's a wrap. 結束
 Right out of the box. 馬上就可以用的
 Boxed in. 被限制住的;受到侷限的
 Black box. 事情或機器難以理解的部份;不了解的部份
 snail mail 
成語 Idioms
A Dear John letter (女生向男生)要求分手的信
 Dear John 原為一首英文老歌,歌詞正是一封「兵變」的信,男孩子入伍後不久,他的女朋友就寄了一封信要求分手。(www.51education.net整理) Dear 是一封信的開頭(提稱語); 而 John 是一個很普遍的男孩名,因此,就將女生向男生提出要求分手的信統稱 為 Dear John letter 。(www.51education.net整理)
I couldn't believe it! My girlfriend sent me a Dear John letter as soon as she arrived in Paris!
Dialogue 1. Customer:   I would like to send this package to the U.S. 顧客︰ 我要把這個包裹寄到美國。(www.51education.net整理)
Clerk:  Do you want to send it by sea or air? 郵務人員︰ 你想要寄海運還是空運?
Customer:   How long will it take by sea? 顧客︰ 寄海運要多久?
Clerk:  About two to three months. 郵務人員︰ 大約兩到三個月。(www.51education.net整理)
Customer:   Oh, I'll send it by air then. 顧客︰ 喔,那我寄空運好了。(www.51education.net整理)
Dialogue 2. Mary:  Hey Mike, what's wrong with Nick? He seems to be depressed. 瑪麗︰ 嘿,麥克,尼克怎麼啦?他看起來很沮喪。(www.51education.net整理)
Mike:  Yeah, his girlfriend wants to break up with him. 麥克︰ 是啊,他的女朋友想跟他分手。(www.51education.net整理) 
Mary:  What happened? 瑪麗︰ 怎麼啦? 
Mike:  His girlfriend went abroad to study and as soon as she got there, she sent him a Dear John letter. 麥克︰ 他的女朋友出國留學,而且她一到國外就寄了一封「要求分手的信」給他。(www.51education.net整理)

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