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[图文]Mid-autumn festival         ★★★★ 【字体:

Mid-autumn festival

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-20     

1. Ouch! That's hot! 哇塞,太热了
2. Are the sausages ready yet? 香肠好了吗
3. rare 生的
4. medium 半生不熟
5. well-done 全熟
6. The flames are too high! 火太旺了
7. Put the cover on! 盖上盖子
8. Help yourself!请自便
9. Is it hot enough yet? 够热了吗?


burnt to a frazzle 烤焦了
I'm getting eaten alive. 我快要被生吞活剥了
I'm a bit of a night owl. 我是有点夜猫子的人
He drinks like a fish! 他大口大口豪饮


once in a blue moon 难得有依次,稀有
  关于blue moon的定义,在古老的说法中是指,有四次满月的一季里,第三次满月.因为在年历上会以颜色标记,所以因此得名.这在当时认为是久久才发生一次的现象,后来就被广泛引申为罕见稀有了.
How often do you drink beer?
Oh -- once in a blue moon!


Dialogue one
Troy is serving up food at his friend's barbecue.
Troy:   How would you like your steak Lilly? 特洛伊 李丽,你的牛排要几分熟
Lilly: Well done please. And make sure there's no blood! 李丽 请给我全熟的,而且要确定不带血的
Troy:   Don't worry. One steak, well-done, coming right up! Why don't you have a sausage while you wait? 特洛伊 别担心.一块排骨,全熟的,来了!要不要边等边来块香肠.
Lilly:   Oh no thank you. I'm on a diet and sausages are very fattening. 李丽 不,谢谢,我正在节食,而且香肠太油
Troy: Tell me about it! 特洛伊 那还用说


Dialogue two
Tina and Peter are relaxing in the park at their family's barbecue.
Tina:   Wow! Look at the moon. Isn't it beautiful? 笛拉 哇,看月亮,它不是很美吗?
Peter: Yeah, the sky is so clear, and check out the stars. 彼得 是啊,天空好晴朗,你看那些是星星
Tina:   Amazing. I love having the day off just to relax. 笛拉 简直美呆了,我好想休个假,放松一下
Peter:   It sure beats working -- can I get you a drink? 彼得 对啊,肯定比工作好,要我给你拿饮料吗?
Tina:   Sure, I'll have a beer thanks. 笛拉 当然,来罐啤酒,谢谢

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