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容易出错的“胖手指” |
作者:soosun 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2012-6-19 |
选手机的时候,相当一部分人都愿意选择屏幕或输入键盘大一些的款式,因为键盘太小的话,很容易就按错键。如果反过来从手机的角度来说,它们估计会说:你们会按错键还不是因为你们的手指太胖啦! The term fat finger, often in combination with "fat-finger syndrome", is used as slang to refer to making an error in or on (something) by hitting the wrong key or button, or accidental inaccuracy in the fine motor movements of one's extremities. “胖手指”(fat finger),多以“胖手指综合征”(fat-finger syndrome)的词组形式出现,指因为按错键或按钮而犯错,或者在手工完成某项精工细活时意外出现的失误。 In general terms, for example, pressing a different button than expected on a touchscreen, or hitting two adjacent keys on a keyboard in a single keystroke during data entry (for example, buckled instead of bucked due to the L key being next to the K key on many keyboards). 最常见的就是,在触摸屏上按错键,或者按键输入的时候同时按了两个相邻的键而导致输入错误。例如,输入单词bucked的时候,因为k和l的按键相邻,而把单词输入成了buckled。 For example: You can easily fat-finger the tiny keyboard on this device. 这个机子键盘太小,很容易就会输入错误。 实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 www.51education.net ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。 |
文章录入:soosun 责任编辑:51education |
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