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[图文]无厘头科学证明:大脸男人不可信!       ★★★ 【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2010-3-13     

英国又出雷人研究啦!一项由圣安德鲁斯大学(沪江小编:八卦一下,就是威廉王子念的大学哦!)组织研究的实验证明:大脸的男人比起小脸男人更不可信。于是根据这个研究我们可以得出结论:上图中的左边的Simon Cowell(美国偶像里的毒蛇评判)要比右边的David Tennant(曾在《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中出演反派角色小巴提·克劳奇,想起来了吗?)奸诈。

Men with wider faces 'less trustworthy'

The findings suggest that David Tennant could be trusted more than Simon Cowell.

A team of psychologists at the University of St Andrews invited men to play a computerised game for money. The game offered players opportunities to trust other participants, but also opportunities to exploit them.

During the game a participant was shown an expressionless photo of a fellow player's face at the start of each game.

The participant had then to decide whether to take an immediate pay-off or entrust the money to the person they saw ­ who, in turn, could decide either to co-operate, and help both players make more money, or take the cash and run.

Lead researcher Michael Stirrat set up the games to investigate whether he could find any measurable relationship between perceptions of trustworthiness from perceptions and behaviour.

He found that participants were more likely to entrust money to men with narrower faces.

"We all make instant judgements about strangers - whether to trust him or whether to be wary of her. In my research I have been trying to find a basis for these intuitive judgements," said Mr Stirrat.

"From the evolutionary theory of sexual selection we predicted that male faces may signal physical dominance and that more dominant men would be more likely to be exploitative because they can be.

"We found that men with wider faces exploited trust more often to make money for themselves."

However, Mr Stirrat concludes with a word of caution:"The results are important but we shouldn't leap to the conclusion that wider-faced men are bad. They were exploitative in our games, but in other games the wider faced men were more likely to sacrifice their money to enforce good behaviour.

"This is ongoing research and it is difficult to draw any conclusions yet, but what is certainly true is that wider faced, more robust men have the capacity to choose to be society's criminals or society's police."


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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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