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Slap 浓妆艳抹       ★★★ 【字体:

Slap 浓妆艳抹

作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-10-7     

Jean: Hi, you’re listening to Jean Dong and this is Authentic Real English.

Jo: I’m Jo, and today Jean and I are talking about a very important issue.

Jean: 是的,我们今天要谈的是一个非常重要的问题。 We’re talking about make-up. Make-up 面部化妆。

Jo: Yes, that’s right. We’re talking about how much make-up women should wear.

Jean: In the UK, lots of women wear make-up every day.

Jo: Yes and some women wear too much make-up.

Jean: Oh yes. 我也不喜欢有的女性脸上化太浓的 make-up.

Jo: When this happens, you might hear someone say…


She’s got far too much slap on.

Jean: Slap! 这个人没有说 make-up 而是用的 slap 这个词。 Listen again.


She’s got far too much slap on.

Jo: Yeah, sometimes you will hear someone talking about a woman with too much slap on. It’s not a polite thing to say.

Jean: 那这么说是不是太不礼貌了。

Jo: Yes, they’re saying it looks bad.

Jean: 他们的意思是,浓妆艳抹的女人好像是把化妆品全部是 slapped on 拍在她们的脸上。 To slap on 是用来形容女人把厚厚的化妆品一股脑的都往脸上拍。 Why would they say something so mean? Mean 欺负人的、苛刻的。

Jo: I don’t know, they’re just being mean.

Jean: Are there any other words used like this?

Jo: Well, we don’t use many other words as synonyms for make-up. However we do have some interesting sayings about how someone has put their make-up on.

Jean: Such as…


A: Did you see Linda at the party yesterday?

B: Oh yes, she looked terrible. She was caked in make-up.

A: When I first started wearing make-up, I had no idea how to apply it.

B: Or how much to apply. You used to trowel it on.

Jo: Caked in make-up.

Jean: To be caked in make-up. 就是说脸上涂的化妆品太厚了,简直就像一个抹满厚厚彩色奶油的蛋糕一样。 Cake 蛋糕。

Jo: To trowel it on.

Jean: To trowel it on. 脸上的就像用泥水匠的泥铲子层层涂抹的一样。 Trowel 泥铲、抹子。

Julia Roberts has gone for the natural look

Jo: So Jean, how would you describe my make-up?

Jean: I can’t tell you’re wearing make-up.

Jo: Good, I’m going for the natural look. I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to say I had too much slap on.

Jean: Ah, Jo is going for the natural look. 素面朝天不化妆。

Jo: That’s right.

Jean: Well, that’s it for today. 希望大家也和我们一起好好享受了一下女孩子的一个热门话题 slap 我是说 make-up.

Jo: Yes, and before we go, just a quick reminder that you can visit our website for more Authentic Real English programmes.

Jean: Until next time, bye.

Jo: Bye.

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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