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[推荐]不一样的学单词--英国英语单词&文化(12)Business English Basics         ★★★ 【字体:

不一样的学单词--英国英语单词&文化(12)Business English Basics

作者:Learning…    文章来源:LearningEnglishwords    点击数:    更新时间:2009-5-5     




On the Telephone


Taking a call
Making a call
Preparing for a call




A simple guide to report writing


Looking After Visitors
(Business English)


Common phrases to use when greeting visitors.

English for Meetings and Presentations

Common phrases to use in meetings and presentations.



Learn English Business Communication

English on the Telephone

Common telephone phrases to use when answering a business call


These are some of the most common telephone phrases used when answering a business call. You should learn them until you are comfortable using them.

Telephone calls - Common English phrases.

Answering the phone:-
Good morning/afternoon XYZ Ltd. How can I help you?
Connecting a caller:-
I'll put you through now.
One moment please.
Explaining there's a problem:-
I'm sorry, but the line's engaged at the moment.
I'm sorry. There's no reply.

I'm sorry, but he/she's out of the office at the moment.

I'm afraid he/she's on the other line at the moment.
Offering help:-
Would you like to hold?
Is there anyone else who could help you?
Can I take a message?
Maybe I can help you?
Offer a return call:-

Perhaps he/she can call you back?

Could he/she call you back?

Offering to take a message:-

Can I take a message for him/her?

Would you like to leave a message?

Asking for the caller's name and number:-
Could I have your name and number, please?
Could you give me your name and number, please?
Checking the information:-

Could you spell that, please?

Can I just check that again, please?

Could you repeat that, please?

Don't forget you can prepare yourself before making a call.

Learn English Business Communication

English on the Telephone

Common telephone phrases to use when making a business call

These are some of the most common telephone phrases used when answering a business call. You should learn them until you are comfortable using them.

Telephone calls - Common English phrases.
Asking for someone:-
Good morning/afternoon. Could I speak to (Mr Smith), please?
Could I have extension (219), please?
Giving a message:-
Could you tell (him/her) that (her tickets are ready).
Could you tell (him/her) that I called.
Could you give (him/her) my number, please?
Giving your name and number :-

My name is (David Bean) and I'm on (0117 294658).

It's (David Bean) and the number is (0117 294658).

Don't forget you can prepare yourself before making a call.

Learn English Business Communication

English on the Telephone

English on the Telephone - Preparing to make a call

Preparation is one of the things that can help you when making a phone call. This telephone call preparation form is one of the tools you can use:-

Telephone call preparation form
Contact person (full name and title):
Company name:


Telephone number(s):


Primary reason for call:


Secondary reason for call:




Lead statement:

Key words:






Follow-up action to be taken:



English Writing

This page has dictionary look up. Double click on any word to see its definition.

A Simple Guide to Report Writing

A business report is a formal document. It should be concise, well organised, and easy to follow; using headings, sub-headings, sections.

Sections should be numbered: - major section 1,2,3 etc. - first level of sub-section 1.1, 1.2 etc., 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc. - second level 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ......, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, ..... etc.

Report format:

Title page - subject of the report, author, date

Terms of reference - who ordered the report, when and why, any conditions

Contents page - all section numbers and titles, using exactly the same wording as in the report

Abstract - brief summary of report - task, summary of conclusions and recommendations

Introduction - background information

Main body of report - findings, description, facts, opinions, etc. This must be well structured

Conclusion - summary of results

Recommendations - usually in the form of a list

Appendices (not always necessary) - additional details, tables, graphs, detailed analysis. These must be numbered and cross referenced in the text

Glossary (not always necessary) -explanation of any specialist terms

Bibliography - references to any books, journals, etc. which were used either for background reading, or directly quoted in the report.
They should be arranged alphabetically by the author's name The reference should include: author, date of publication, title, edition,
place of publication, publisher.

General guidelines:

  • If using Word™ or a similar package, use (but don't just rely on) the spell-checker.
  • Check your grammar and punctuation.
  • Make sure you read it through and that you understand it.
  • If you can get someone else to read it - even better.
  • Make a copy - if you're using a PC make two separate copies, and keep them safe.

Learn English Business Communication

Business English Basics

Looking after Visitors

Here are some phrases you can use when looking after visitors.

Common English Phrases
Greeting the visitor:-
Good morning/afternoon. Can I help you?
Do you have an appointment?
I'll let (Mr Smith) know you're here. What name is it, please?
Explaining there's a problem:-
I'm afraid (Mr Smith) is in a meeting.

I'm sorry, but he/she's out of the office at the moment.

Offering help / refreshments etc:-
Would you like to take a seat?
Maybe I can help you?

Would you like some tea/coffee whilst you wait?

Milk and sugar?

Would you like to read through our company brochure?
Making small talk:-
Did you have a good journey?
What was the weather like in (London)?
Have you been to (Germany) before?

Learn English Business Communication

Business English Basics

English for meetings and presentations

Here are some phrases you can use in meetings and presentations:-

Common English Phrases
Getting someone's attention
May I have a word?
If I may, I think...
Excuse me for interrupting.
Can I come in here?
Giving opinions
I'm positive that...
I feel that....
In my opinion...
The way I see things..
If you ask me..., I tend to think that...
Asking for opinions
Do you think that..
Mister X can we get your input ?
How do you feel about...?
What do you think of ...?
That's interesting.
I never thought about it that way before
I get your point.
I see what you mean.

I totally agree with you.
Good point!
That's just the way I feel.
I have to agree with ...

Unfortunately, I see it differently.
Up to a point I agree with you, but...
I'm afraid, I can't agree
Giving advice and making suggestions
We should ...
Why don't we ...
How/What about ....
I suggest/recommend that ...
Let me spell it out...
Have I made that clear?
Do you see what I'm getting at?
Let me put it another way..
I'd just like to repeat that....
Requesting information
Please, could you...
I'd like you to...
Would you mind...
I wonder if you could...
Asking for repetition
I'm afraid I didn't quite catch that. Could you repeat what you just said?
I missed that. Could you say it again please?
Could you run that past me again?
Asking for clarification

I don't quite follow you.
What exactly do you mean?
Could you explain to me how that's going to work?
I can't see what you're getting at. Could we have some more details, please?

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