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[推荐]哪些介词后可直接接“that”宾语从句         ★★★ 【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:internet    点击数:    更新时间:2009-3-20     


1You may depend upon it that they will support your proposal.你可以相信他们将支持你的意见。

2We will answer for it that the apparatus is of good quality.我们保证该仪器的质量很好。


1He was surprised that she said this.他因为她说了这样的话而感到惊奇。(surprised后跟的at被略去)

2She was aware that there were still many problems.她意识到还存在着许多问题。(aware后跟的of被略去)

只有以下六个介词:besidesbeyondbutexceptinsave在语言的进化发展过程中,与that构成了一个复合词,起连词作用,that不可省略。其中除了in that外,besidesbeyondbutexceptsave that都含有“除了”的意思。

一、besides that:此外;除了

She knew nothing besides that he was there.除了知道他在那儿外,她什么也不知道。

二、beyond that:除去,除……而外

1He did not really know what he was going to say beyond that the situationdemanded something romantic.除去说这场面需要浪漫色彩外,他确实不知还该说些什么。

2I have heard nothing beyond that he is ill.除去他生病之外,我没有听见什么。

三、but that:要不是;如非,除…外

1But that I saw it I could not have believed it.要不是看见我真不能相信。

2Nothing would please him but that we go along.除了我们往下进行之外,什么都不会使他开心。

四、except that:除去…之外;只可惜;除去,除掉

1I know nothing except that he left home early that morning.我只知道那天早晨他很早就离开了家,其余的我就不清楚了。

2It's a very satisfactory hatexcept that it doesn't fit me.那是一顶很令人满意的帽子,只可惜戴着不合适。

五、save that:(不常用)除了……以外

1She knew nothing about him save that he was from Scotland.除了知道他是从苏格兰来的之外,她对他一无所知。

2There was not a sound save that from time to time a bird called.除了偶然两声鸟叫外,一点声音也没有。

六、in that[书面语]既然,因为;在……方面

1I prefer his plan to yours in that I think it is more practical.我更喜欢他的计划,因为我觉得他的计划比你的更实际。

2In that you won't have time for supperlet me give you something now


3Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak.人和动物的区别在于人能思维,人有语言。

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文章录入:willgonow    责任编辑:xiaoniu 

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