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[图文]都市型男       ★★★ 【字体:

Metrosexual 都市型男

作者:Editor    文章来源:BBC English    点击数:    更新时间:2009-2-23     

Neil: Today’s word is metrosexual.

Jean: It's a new one on me, what does metrosexual mean?

Neil: Metrosexual refers to men who have a strong concern for their appearance, they look after their hair and skin well, buy expensive clothes and look very fashionable.

Jean: 原来这个所谓的 metrosexual 代表的就是那种在大都市中的现代男性,非常在意自己的形象,注意保养皮肤和头发 skin and hair,也紧跟时尚潮流,总会身穿最时尚的时装款式,手提最新款的手机、iPod 之类的都市新男性,所以我们可能会俗称这样的人群为“都市美男”或者“都市型男”。But why metrosexual?

Neil: Because these men live in cities where all the best shops are, they live in metropolitan areas. So the word metrosexual comes from metropolitan.

Jean: 原来 metrosexual 这个词起源于 metropolitan 这个词,就是大都市、大都会的意思。

Neil: James sounds like a metrosexual kind of guy.


A: You know James wears really good clothes, he really looks brilliant. And do you know how old he is? He’s much older than he looks because he cares for his skin so well.

B: Yes, he’s very modern, isn’t he? really metrosexual.

A: He’d never fit in if he lived outside of town.

B: Too right.

Jean: So, Neil, James sounds like a metrosexual sort of man. What about you?

Neil: I don’t think I like the image of a metrosexual man. I can’t imagine making all that effort to look so good.

Jean: You don’t look that bad.

Neil: Thanks.

Metrosexual man
A facial will keep your skin smooth
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文章录入:fuxiao    责任编辑:fuxiao 

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