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Parents call for healthy food guidelines         ★★★ 【字体:

Parents call for healthy food guidelines

作者:soosun    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-11     

Parents are boycotting cinemas, swimming pools and sporting events because of their junk food-laden menus, a new poll suggests.

And they want governments to enforce healthy food guidelines across the hospitality industry.

The poll conducted by advocacy group, The Parents Jury, quizzed more than 250 of its members about childrens' eating-out options.

More than 60 per cent of the parents said they were dissatisfied with food options for their children when eating out.

And half said they often avoided taking their children to certain venues because of the unhealthy food served.

The poll rated cinema menus of popcorn, choc-top ice-creams and fizzy drinks as the worst, closely followed by swimming pools and sports centres.

The Parents Jury said healthy food guidelines, similar to those already in place at school canteens, should be implemented.

"We need to move beyond the current culture that assumes that children won't eat anything other than chips, nuggets, ice-creams and soft drink," spokeswoman and mother of two Jacqui Deighan said.

"It's about having healthy options, low fat, low sugar, low salt, and a greater focus on fresh foods.

"If these options were provided then parents would not feel so much pressure when they take their kids to the movies to buy popcorn and coke."

But the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) said a more comprehensive strategy including education on diet and exercise, not national guidelines, was needed.

"The thing about this debate was not whether the food was healthy but how much you eat and what level of exercise you do," AHA chief executive Bill Healey said.

"There's nothing wrong with hamburgers and chips as long as you don't overindulge in those products and exercise."

Mr Healy said the market place also was responding to a higher demand for healthier menu options.

"The market place is demanding healthier options and we are responding to that."

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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