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Money Market - Make Money at Home       ★★★★★ 【字体:

Money Market - Make Money at Home

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-26     

I overheard a group of American tourists in Tel Aviv the other day.
They were looking for a place to exchange their Dollars for Israeli Shekels.
The bank was closed for the day and they were looking quite frantic.
So I explained to them they could go to a money market to exchange their dollars.
I told them it was easy to find a money market.
There is practically one on every corner in the city.
We got into a lengthy conversation regarding whether to use American dollars or Israeli Shekels.
I thought that it was important to shop in Israeli currency.
After you go a money market and you have the cash on you it is much more convenient.
You can usually get the best price when you pay in cash.
I'm not exactly sure of the reason, but it appears as though the prices quoted for most things just are lower if you tell the other person with which you're negotiating that you want the price in shekels.
It is preferable to go to a money market instead of a bank to exchange your foreign currency.
The bank will take a substantial commission on the money, and in addition you will pay for the service.
Initially the bank rate may be a good one; however, the bank charges can add up.
There is no service charge at a money market.
A money market doesn't charge any commission.
The hours are more convenient than a bank and the lines are much smaller.
At a money market you can even exchange all major currencies and travelers checks.

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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